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Thread: Thank You OKC!

  1. #11
    Glad it worked out for ya David!! (as well as all things considered)

    Reminds me of a time back in the day (1997)....

    Newberry County - South Carolina

    Vehicle - 1988 Mustang (Red, Supercharged, dark windows and drag lites all the way around)

    On the way back from Columbia with a co-worker (5' 1" blonde doing school work in the passenger seat). Come over a hill and see a state trooper pulled over but no lights on. Couldn't move over due to traffic.. so, I slowed down and moved a little towards the center.

    Checked rearview mirror - trooper is in traffic and now in the fast lane gaining speed about 1/4 mile back. Checked mirrors again and he's about 300' back and coming up fast. I wasn't speeding (really) as I came up on him the first time.

    Trooper flies by at over 100mph and he's gone. No emergency lights on either.

    A couple miles down the road - coming over another hill. Trooper is parked on the shoulder (really close). Door swings open as I'm about 75yds from him. I move over to the left lane and wondering what the heck is going on. The door shuts and he takes off with all lights on now.

    Co-worker asks "what's going on?". My reply - "no idea". Trooper pulls right up on me. #@$%

    Window down - he walks up to the passenger side window!! He then checks out my co-worker (who is still working on a college paper) and asks for the usual stuff. Then informs me that it's a 6pt violation to change lanes without using an indicator.

    He asks me to come back to the rear of my vehicle. About 30seconds later two more troopers show up and I'm surrounded. Yes, he actually writes me a ticket. I politely ask directions to the court house and if he could change the date to when I was going to be back down in Columbia in two weeks.

    Fast forward - I show up at the court house ready to go at it due to the bogus ticket. The receptionist (bless the 60yr old woman) asked what I was there for and I told her. In a horrified look she said I might want to reconsider it and only look down when talking to the judge and to only say "I need help with this your honor" when he asks. She went on to say that if I still wanted to fight the ticket that I would be spending the night there and possibly longer.

    With head bowed - I asked the judge for help to keep the ticket off my clean record, so with a whack of the gavel.. I was back the cashier. I paid the $300 (could have been over $1,000) court cost and the ticket never showed up on my record.

    Be really careful if you are in Newberry County.....

    I have another true story just as bad from the same County that happened two months later if you all are interested...

  2. #12
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby Rob Liebbe's Avatar
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    Magnolia/Woodlands, Texas
    Let's hear it Eric.
    Rob Liebbe - Texas Region
    Camaro, Mustang, doesn't matter to me, I'll race it.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Site AdminCarroll Shelby michaelmosty's Avatar
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    I was driving a rental car Ford Escort in Lubbock, TX. Driving on the highway with the cruise set at 73. Got pulled over by a trooper and got a ticket for 77 in a 70. I honestly was only going 73.

    Took defensive driving, not on my record. I know, not very exciting.
    -Michael Mosty
    CMC #11 Mosty Brothers' Racing
    Director - TX Region

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by michaelmosty
    I was driving a rental car Ford Escort in Lubbock, TX. Driving on the highway with the cruise set at 73. Got pulled over by a trooper and got a ticket for 77 in a 70. I honestly was only going 73.

    Took defensive driving, not on my record. I know, not very exciting.
    Damn do I have a story for you all...not gonna put it on the web though, so remind me at ECR.
    Key highlights though: first date with my now wife of 21 years, Canadian student in Ohio jail, no ID or money. Feel free to connect the dots until next weekend if you want to entertain yourselves

  5. #15
    My personal best is a 115 in a 55. The judge said holy shit when she looked at the ticket.
    Ryan Arnold
    Chief Scrutineer
    NASA Texas
    Texas Mile

  6. #16
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby mitchntx's Avatar
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    Enjoyin' the view
    When I was 10, I worked at my mom's restaraunt on Sat/Sun mornings. I commuted on my 3hp Briggs mini-bike.

    One day, the local sheriff pulled me over. No license, no registration, no helmet, but I did have an attitude. I know ... hard to imagine ...

    I got a few tickets ...

    My mom discussed this with the judge while he was drinking coffee at the restaurant one day and it magically disappeared.

    And each time the sheriff and deputies saw me, we gave each other a friendly wave.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby jeffburch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnie
    My personal best is a 115 in a 55. The judge said holy shit when she looked at the ticket.
    I got one at 143 in a 55.

    $3300 and a night in the hole. Hood County. Tx.


    One nite me and Bev (before we were married) rolled thru a stop sign in my little turbo crx. I saw the cop and split B4 he could make a U turn.
    The poor bastard never had a chance. I new the area really well and diversionary tacticts were successful. Pretty good rush.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby Fbody383's Avatar
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    Pearland, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by jeffburch
    I saw the cop and split B4 he could make a U turn.
    The poor bastard never had a chance. I new the area really well and diversionary tacticts were successful. Pretty good rush.
    Was a punk teenager at the time, driving the 69 Camaro. Blew past the sheriff at about 60 on the 30mph shell/limestone road. Couple quick turns on some more dirt roads and the long way home... 8)

    20+ years later, same Camaro, giving the new pastor and a couple buddies a "demo" ride. Saw the light bar in the rear view mirror and let the local po-po roll by... they just nodded at us 4 old guys and kept rolling.
    #39 CMC Camaro
    Orange is Fast!
    CMC-NT01 FTW!

  9. #19
    Senior Member Site AdminCarroll Shelby michaelmosty's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by arnie
    My personal best is a 115 in a 55. The judge said holy shit when she looked at the ticket.
    My best is 100 in a 40, but I got out of that ticket.
    -Michael Mosty
    CMC #11 Mosty Brothers' Racing
    Director - TX Region

  10. #20
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Tijeras, New Mexico
    How about 85 in a 45, running a stop sign, passing in a no passing zone and fleeing the police... ALL within 1/4 mile... DON'T PASS A CONSTABLE GOING THROUGH A STOP SIGN AT 85.... whole lot more to the story, including getting all my liquor back (at 17) because they thought all the other charges would stick and a 2.5 mile cross country event the next morning... and more!!! ooohhh the innocence of youth...

    this will really piss you off... no radar, couldn't verify speed, dismissed; the original fleeing was from a subdivision security officer with flashers on, not the police, dismissed... fined for running stop sign with a maximum fine of $50.00 and passing in a no passing zone, also with the max. of $50.00...



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