After doing some thinking, even though I was at this event at the request of Shannon, and hosted the pictures in my album with my usual pricing at her blessing, I've decided to remove my pricing and offer these at whatever Smugmug charges to make your prints. I wasn't there to make money, that's why I have a good day job. I was there to document the event for you guys - the racers. I don't feel right trying to profit off you or Shannon's hospitality. I would like to continue in the position as "Official NASA Photog" that was offered to me, and I don't want to have to stress out about uninvited "competition." So there you have it, prints at my hosting site's cost (which is VERY reasonable, gives you an idea of what some of us make off you guys). If all you want are decent Facebook/website shots, shoot me a PM with your email and car make/color/number, and I will send you, free of cost, a 1200x800 version of whatever photo(s) I have.

I'll just have find some other way to fund my telephoto lens...:lol: