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Thread: Scientific evaluation of Camaro/Mustang performance parity

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    Scientific evaluation of Camaro/Mustang performance parity

    There has been some grumbling recently about on track performance differences between Mustangs and Camaros. I would hate to think that what success I have had may be do to some unfair advantage of the Camaro platform. Being fairly new to the CMC series, I had limited knowledge of the problem. But the internet is a marvelous thing. So with all due credit to Al Gore’s invention, I would like to share what I have gleaned from the net. I will present the data in graphic form and follow with conclusions. I will say in advance that the difference between Camaros and Mustangs is actually a function of the type of person attracted to the two different platforms.
    I found some enlightening information based on the research of a post graduate psychology student who used open source data to assign a 1 to 10 rating for both driving skill (using data collected from black box recorders during standard maintenance visits) see:
    and masculinity data from sales surveys see: and To measure masculinity the surveys included questions such as: “Do you enjoy walks on the beach, candle lit dinners and fluffy kittens?” and “Are you comfortable talking about feelings?” The scatter graph has some overlap but the average Mustang driver is overwhelming more in touch with his feminine side while the average Camaro driver has remarkably superior car handling skills.
    Studies have linked the so-called 2D:4D ratio of finger length with exposure to testosterone in the womb. Read more:
    I have plotted the average 2D:4D ratios for Camaro and Mustang drivers above. Men with high testosterone levels typically have ring fingers which are longer in relation to their index fingers (lower 2D:4D ratios). As shown on the graph, lower testosterone levels are associated with a preference for Mustangs. This may also explain why Mustang drivers hands slip off the wheel more frequently: they have shorter ring fingers. This graph certainly explains why Mustangs are so popular in the California.
    This may be the most disturbing graph. I am hesitant to include it. I encourage everyone to check my data, but I fear that the results are undeniable. People with higher intelligence quotient (IQ) tend to prefer Camaros. For more information see:

    The pie charts above shocked me. But numbers don’t lie. The music industry is very good about monitoring demographics of their customers. I found a wealth of pertinent information on the web on sites such as:

    CONCLUSION: Performance differences between the Camaro and Mustang CARS is below detectable limits. However, based on the data we can say with an 89% certainty that the Mustang driver, on average, will be a dull witted, girly man who prefers boy bands, exhibits poor driving skill, has low testosterone levels and small “hands”.

    I hope this clears up the confusion. Now let’s go racing.

    Dan Allford #82
    Redshift Racing
    Last edited by Daniel Allford; 08-03-2012 at 03:56 PM.



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