Quote Originally Posted by drecords View Post
What about Nuclear? Fukushima scared alot of people off, but its a good way to reduce dependence on oil and gas. Waste disposal and process safety being the biggest turds in that proverbial sandbox.
In which country? US generally shies away from all new nuclear development and is generally trying to retire/early retire what's in the fleet.

I'm of the European thought - more, smaller, standardized reactors rather than the US habit of much bigger one-off designs. Going forward adding dispatchability will be desired too.

With shale extraction capabilities, there's a lot of natural gas to be had. At this point I believe we're a material advancement away from creating batteries with enough storage density (coupled with cost) to flip the script. Once storage is cheap (as in cheap enough to have 2-3X what you think you need), dense, and portable it's easy to see all the generation coming from wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, etc.