Quote Originally Posted by drecords View Post
You're right, just have to get a look at it and figure out what it was. Toe weekend to weekend is never consistent... probably time to change the tie rods....
Is camber and caster consistent? If so, you're onto something. If not, look to the tie rods. As said before, my car was hot garbage but held on just long enough which wasn't long after I got around you. In my experience, when my car develops a control issue part way through the race, generally so does everyone else's unless they're on stickers and I'm on garbage. I showed up with 3 HC tires Thursday, practiced Friday, and raced all weekend on them. I had stickers in the trailer, but didn't mount them. Based on how my race went on Sunday, I don't think mounting stickers would have changed anything. If the stickers stood a chance, I would have had to have held off you and dealt with Al very swiftly to keep up with the front-most pack. Because racing is more about lap times, this is not what happened and is what drives how we develop ourselves as racers. I really do wish I had more Bryans, Mostys, Sooks, and Janders here in CO because I could come to TX far more comprehensively prepared for what truly makes a person finish out front.