Quote Originally Posted by t500hps View Post
*Like you, we're looking for some data to figure out how to setup a car. There doesn't appear to be any!
Thanks for posting what info u found. I've been on the fence to make the effort to make it to nationals this year. Further research shows events that run there in the August and September time frame usually have rain to deal with and the infield portion is absolutely diabolical when wet. Could turn it into a shit show and the vid nasa recently posted supports that with the slow traffic and back markers.

After pulling the car out of mothballs for the end of year race at ecr, I think I know what is needed to get the car to front of pack upgrade wise. I need a response to a question I've asked on a planned change but I'm on track to hopefully match those mustangs here in Texas!!! That being the yardstick... Daytona could have solid results... Especially if there are enough cars to have a national champ.