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Thread: deeper in debt

  1. #1

    deeper in debt

    I bought a new truck to tow with on the 28th of July, extend credit today to fund replacing CMC44, But that is not what this is about. The ai/cmc racers of Texas went above and beyond for Jerry the girls and I this weekend. I thought there would be offers to help ,but nothing like the hospitality that David lLove, Rob Liebbe, and the entire Covini family showed us. I don't like being in monitary dept to anyone but Now I found myself indepted to so many and I don't even know how to repay them. My wreck could have been worse. Jerrys could have been much worse as there were multiple vehichles and both the girls were riding with him at the time. Todd , you and Sheryl were amazing host and it was good to see little Tony running around at full tilt. Rob thanks for the parts and the shop with out it the job would have taken longer which would have put us home even later. David thanks for your offer if Rob had not come up with such a sweet deal I know we would have taken you up on it. If you need some parts for Ambers car we may have some that may not be needed as spares for Nats. And to the rest of ai/cmc Texas thanks for your concern. The fact that there was a gasp from one of Corey's family on the film when I rolled my car speaks for itself. Jerry hit the nail on the head , one big racing family. I love racing in Texas.
    micah bishop TEAM WARHORSE CMC#44

  2. #2
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby GlennCMC70's Avatar
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    Micah, i would like to take this time to pass on some advice that was given to me many years ago.
    early back in my military years i was traveling across country and my truck broke down on me. it was a simple fix and required no parts replacement, just some time and tools and a 3/8" bolt. a small shop in Pecos Texas fixed it for me. i offered to pay him, and he said dont worry about it. he told me to repay the favor by helping someone who could use my help one day. many times over the years i have done things to help people stranded and in need. they most always offered to pay me, and i always replied w/ that same responce given to me years ago, "you can pay me back by helping out the next person you see who needs help. if each person you help, helps someone else, one day the whole world will be helping each other." to this day, i live by those words. seems like alot of folks in the CMC/AI group have visited that little repair shop in Pecos Texas. 8) looks like now you have been there too.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby mitchntx's Avatar
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    Pay it Forward

    Micah, having been on both ends of what you experienced, in need of help and subsequently, helping, these guys did this out of the goodness of their heart, expecting nothing in return.

    People pitched in and helped in your emergency just like they did during Katrina or when the wind blew all my branches down around my house or when .... the list goes on and on.

    Please know, that with you and Jerry and Cathie merely expressing those sentiments is payment enough.

    God Bless, hasn't he ...

  4. #4
    Senior Member Carroll Shelby
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    Well said, Mitch.
    As a group, this isn't the first time we've all pulled together for a common cause and it's not the last.

    Micah...Sheryl read yours, Jerry's and Cathie's posts of heartfelt gratitude and all the other kind words said and consider all debts paid in full. You'll be there for me someday when I need you.

    Now I will tell you that I'm a little peeved that Liebbe diverted the mechanical work to his A/C shop with a lift....I was really hoping to get a garage cleaning out of this deal!!!

    -=- T



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