Adrian/Todd/others ...

To clarify ... I'm going, but not racing. My car is staying home. I am taking my truck and trailer with Glenn's gear inside. It's a LAW Motorsports thing

The only real concern Glenn and I have is getting 2 spots side by side. Glenn bought and paid for 2 so that we could put the trailer and car together. We will be working and living out of the trailer for the week.

Before the communal CMC decision was made, he had bought and paid for row "D" slots "11" and "12" according to this map.

Having 2 spots seperated just won't work for us.

Now, if some other financial arrangement was made between MO, NASA and/or AI/CMC Texas for Texas to get all of rows "D" and "E", slots 1 thru 12, then so be it. We just aren't aware of anything like that.

I know there was talk of a CAD layout of everyone's "space", but haven't seen or heard about it in a few weeks.

It's also important to me personally to have the end so that if Glenn makes me mad, I can pitch all his junk out of my trailer, hook up and go home.

Getting a little giddy about Nationals ... anyone else?