You are correct Glenn,

Quote Originally Posted by dirwin
Great in theory with the cams, but lets see, 25 in the run group, 18 minutes green flag racing, 2 people to review = 3 hours 45 minutes just to review. Aren't we having enough trouble getting grids and results in a timely fashion? Not to mention if the review is going to be done on a 2.25" LCD.

I agree with video review of contact if it is available, but we will need a process for the video to be reviewed on a larger screen, not just the camera playback screen.
Two things, if there is a problem there is always a video and you are acountable for your actions! I love it!
SCCA holds the memory cards until the next race. You do not get to take them home. ;-)

BTW, they don't use a 2.25" LCD, this is the pros baby, not grassroots!

Viewing on a larger screen is easy!