Glenn actually found a short route...but it was better for a crow than a guy with truck/trailer!

I looking at the northern route through OKC, kansas, denver, cheyenne and then to tooele. Something like 1450 miles.

I have driven most of west texas and northern NM and part of Glenn's route looks pretty good with a 4k foot climb in 200 miles and the rest is pretty gradual...then the roller coaster down hill from SLC to tooele.

So, I mixed Glenn's and my route to find a 1382 mile route from Dallas to Amarillo, to Dalhart, Raton NM, Denver, Cheyenne and 80 over to SLC.

It seems to get all the climbing done in one push and is on good/decent highways that aren't totally in mountain passes.

What all have you others figured out yet?

Been using Streets and Trips and Google Earth for the terrain.