I've replaced all the wood on my rear door of my trailer and I have ripped up the 2 rear most sheets today and plan to rip up 2 more tomorrow as well as replace those 4 sheets. There is two strips of diamond plate aluminum for where the tires contact the floor and I plan to reuse those. But the center had the typical white/black checkered vinyl floor (single sheet, not 12" squares) down the center. I want to replace that (since it was ripped out to replace the wood) w/ something that will allow me to wash out the trailer regularly and not hold water under it. I havent washed this thing out in several weeks, and the wood and vinyl was wet today when I pulled it up. This sure sped up the wood rot. I checked the usuall home improvement stores for the same vinyl I had in there w/ no luck. Looking for some good creative ideas from you guys. Cheap is king!
I have been wanting to use the spray on bed liner on the whole floor and up the walls about 8" or so. To me this would be ideal, but surely the cost will prevent me from doing this.

Anyways, shoot me your creative ideas.