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Thread: Something to chew on

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    Senior Member Carroll Shelby mitchntx's Avatar
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    Something to chew on

    From where I sat, I noticed a couple things during the inverts.

    Unlike the tire races where the Trophy Girls distance themselves from the mid-pack slackers who get a few cars on the lesser speedos, the inverts seem to have everyone hitting the same point at the same time.

    One person legitamately checks up because some one might get out of shape or make a questionable move, then the domino effect takes over, collecting 1/4 the field or more. The initiating driver hasn't a clue what occurred because he's sped off into the distance.

    When CMC was 8-10 cars and they were all going for the same apex at T1, it was manageable to a point. But now we have 20 cars going for that same point and there just isn't enough real estate to handle that many cars

    And lets be honest ... no one is going to just hang back and have a reasonable expectation that they won't be involved. Right Michael?

    So my question to chew on is at what point do inverts become dangerous? I had Nick's driver's net in my windshield and no place to go.

    Remember a few years ago when the whole field was inverted (CMC and AI) and there came a point in time where the carnage was over-shadowing the learning benefit? The decision was made to split the fields to reduce risk.

    Will it take some one getting seriously hurt to rethink inverts altogether?

    Just exactly what learning in taking place if we go six wide into T1? Everyone just holds their line and watches down the track for brake lights.

    I'm not saying this just because my car got beat up pretty good this weekend. As a matter of fact, the damage that occurred during the invert was pretty easily repaired.

    What I didn't like was seeing another driver's door at the end of my bumper.

    And 'Because we've always had inverts' isn't a valid reason to keep them. 'We always had a max 230 RWHP' and there was a reason to evolve.
    Last edited by mitchntx; 05-01-2011 at 11:10 PM.



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