I took a glider ride in Durango yesterday. Tow let us off at 7500 ft. (field ele. 6500) and we took the thermals to 12.300 feet. Way cool. Jay and I have done this many times but yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a sailplane. We were up just over an hour and could have stayed up all day.

If you ever get to Durango look this place up.

We are in Ouray now for most of the week. It was 52 degrees this morning in Durango and it's 66 right now at 11:50 (MDT) in Ouray.

Sam, when I get back I will get with you on the rotors. I found some directional veined rotors not made in China for around $50.00. I broke two in one day just like that after races at ECR. 15 min. after the race we heard a ping and five minutes later another. Two rotors cracked just like that. If my new found rotor does not do better I will get a set of hats from Todd at TCE and rings from Coleman. Adam is right the two piece cools better you can go thicker with the new calipers.