Post up those vid's and photo's folks!

I had a great weekend. Had some pretty hoe hum racing since I had nothing for JP and M&M. Had a good battle w/ Mulder who ended up taking 2nd in R3 (I think). My race of the weekend didn't come 'til R4 w/ M&M passing me for the lead, which I had for all but lap 1, on the last lap going into T10. I stuck on his ass 'til T2 where he entered a little wide and I snuck under him and beat him to the finish line. My new car is getting better. Small swaybar change for R2 helped alot. I just didn't have the tires to run w/ JP, M&M, and we can now add Mulder to the list. Mulder now has to turn-in his mid-pack slacker member card. He ran his first 59 this weekend in Q2 and then backed it up in R3 w/ a 58. Not a bad weekend for Steve.
I think I had a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and a 4th for the weekend - not in that order.
I was pleased w/ the turn-out. We had 13 or so CMC2 cars and 4 or so AI cars. NASA TX once again set a car count record for the Aug event. The NASA TX provided dinner Sat night was very good, as was the free beer. I'm still a little dirty feeling after seeing AL, Todd, Dave and 2-3 other guys all in a 12' above ground pool over in TWS's new camping area. I heard a rumor that the track owner was inthe timing tower and looked down and said "Is..... is that a swimming pool down there?"
Car contact was almost non-existant. 2 cars made light contact that resulted in no damage and a small rub mark onthe door/quarter. Other than that is was a good clean weekend. No DQ's, no blown yellows (and we had a few). Our group was praised durring the corner worker meeting Sun morning for putting on a great show.
Lets carry this thru to ECR and finish w/ a bang .... um... uuhh... a large field.