Just want to say thanks to all my AI/CMC bretheren for some of the best racing anywhere on the planet!
You guys race way fast and clean!
That leads to my second point, I need to apologize to the group for my reckless behavior. I am sorry.
It is not like me to have contact of any kind much less 3 out of 4 races, I am embarrased.
Before this weekend I had never even seen a body contact form, much less filled one out!
I will work on my patience as a driver and my talent before Hallett, I PROMISE!!!
Jerry, Dan, and Randy you can PM if you have changed your mind about my offer to pay for the damage.
I do not want a rep as a dirty or unsafe driver and trust me I will do everything I can to rectify this.
Thanks again Guys, Much love for the dudes and chicks from Texas!!!!