I stopped wishing and hoping for recognition in GRM a long time ago. I'm not going to point fingers and get mad or upset, I'm way beyond that now.

I still give props to Todd and Adam (and anyone else involved) with the write-ups and trying to get something in the magazine(s).

Dropping my expectations has yielded a lot of things. I went back to having fun driving really fast, legally! I'm a speed junky and what better way than to work it out while on the track and not on public roads. Yep, I get it all out of my system on the track.

You guys can fight for the recognition, championship trophies (just make sure they spell the name right) and all the other acolades that go along with it.

I will stick to trying to go really fast in HPDE's and during NASA events, but don't look for me to be anything other than someone that is very content by being on the track and no speed limits. If you are faster, good for you and I wish you well and hope your enjoyment is pegged like mine.

After seeing what happened to one of our directors and the other that has now fallen off the face of the Earth, I will take a back seat to any controversy. You guys hash it out and maybe one day reflect back to see if you are really having fun.

Have a given up on the series? Without top level support for the issues at hand, the secret society that is present on the west coast and other high level issues, it would seem now that I'm really using NASA as a place to go racing w2w and nothing more.

What keeps me coming back isn't the $1.50 medals or the headaches, it's the group of guys that I have gotten to know over the years and that's what is ultimately important. I will not let this series tear through those friendships and good times that we are supposed to be having at this level of racing while at the track. Building fences promotes nothing good.

Either be happy or find another sand box. Play by the rules or find another series that tears down all engines after every session. The world is a really big place. Too bad in a hundred years none of this will amount to diddly for anyone reading this.

Have fun, stay safe and lemme know if I can help anyone out with anything.
