Went to the DE/TT only event there yesterday. This was my first time at this little track, and I was really surprised! Its a great place to practice driving and for doing car setup testing. Its smoother than most Tx tracks, but not slick like Cresson. Its short (probably 1.08 or so CMC times) so you get to do the turns more often for a given amount of track time. Its got a couple of hairpins, a mid speed sweeper, a mid speed normal 90deg turn, and a set of fast transition esses. In other words, just about all you need to experiment with car setup. The facilities are sparse: one building thats rather small for a classroom, and a couple of portapotties. The parking lot is a little rough and has gravel sprinkled all around, but its huge.

The track is too narrow for real racing, but I think its perfect for comp schools. I mentioned to Dave next year we need to set up a package to attract racers that want to test: lots of track time, not lots of money. Any of you guys think you might be interested in this?