Here is my race report but the real report is great the group is and amazes me how helpful everyone is!
Thanks to Patterson for loaning me his radiator on Sunday to run the whole weekend-never over 210 water or 240 oil!
Left on Thursday to meet up with several clients for the afternoon show of the power tour in Stillwater. Lots of nice cars and a few burnout after dinner then headed for Hallett.
Friday-bedded brakes, tires, and had issues with one eye after getting brake clean and dirt in it on Monday night. Had a few good offs to get it out of my system then had a banging noise on accel/decel which was a missing torque arm bracket. "Dr. Frank-bend bracket in raceport 25-STAT!" Huge thanks to Frank and then Morgan for putting together a plate together that worked perfect all weekend. I really thought I was done for the weekend.
Saturday-don't have anything for the 55 in practice or qual with my eye still tearing up. Next big thanks goes to Kendra Procter for checking my eye and coming to rescue me with some antibiotic eye drops-totally different that afternoon.
R1-was spent watching the Corey Reuth Show while throwing me the peace sign with the rear hanging out around corners-great racing with him but I couldn't ever get around him. Must get better at passing. 5th place
R2-mainly spent this one up the lime green bumper of Ken Blockwell-must get better at passing-6th.
R3-I took it easy at the great sat night party and didn't touch the Hooch so I was feeling good Sunday morning. Passed on practice to swap a pad/rotor and check the car out. This was my best race and things really came together. Made it through traffic well enough that I still had Mosty behind me and kept him there longer than normal till I missed 4th gear or found 6th and had a strange vibration. Pointed Mosty by and then I think I screwed Gary (sorry). Found 2nd at the bus stop and it pulled good so I tried to play white cowboy outfit on Mosty which resulted in my best laps ever with a string of 1:29's (I'm still pumped about this). 5th behind the trophy girls and the 55 who started at the front after having rear brake issues all day on Saturday. Sorry we didn't get to run together on track as it would have been great slacker racing.
R4-started 4th and got a jump on Mosty off the line but not enough to get around him and I hung too wide into 1. All I wanted to do was try to get cleanly behind the trophy girls till things settled down but I find myself behind a wide body lime green mustang again. Luckily I get past him pretty quickly (am I getting better at passing?) then I had some fantastic racing with Ryan from CO (glad you made the trip down). Some side by side but I couldn't make the pass. I laid off him a lap to start driving my points/line and was able to get around him and put some distance between us. Felt great to finish 4th even if there were plenty girls/slackers missing. I'm much happier with my car now that I have some front shock travel and think I can make some more improvements. So maybe some testing in the fall and I can really start trash talking to the mid pack so they will come back and race. Or maybe I put that rear spoiler on to try for a podium as I liked what I saw next to Procter on the podium.
If you weren't there you really missed an all around great weekend-I'm already looking forward to next year and hate that I missed the last 2 years.

"4th with 4"