Chris is spot on here - this whole thing is crap! Either there is a no tear down rule or there isn't, you cannot have one rule for the regional series all year and another for the nationals abitrarily added in a the 11th hour!

Has anyone stopped to consider the impact of a rule allowing cylinder head removal might affect mod motor guys? And even for pushrod drivers, are all CMC racers, many of whom are newbies to racing, capable of tearing down their engine, let alone put it back together?

I cannot beleive that I am seeing some CMC racers posting up that they do not have a problem with having to remove a cylinder head or that it won't lead to anything else? Get a clue here people - the rules that apply at the nats will almost certainly be adopted for next year - and the prospect of having to wrench on your engine at the end of a weekend when you should be busy loading up the trailer and driving hours to get home should be a VERY daunting one to a group who habiltually prefer to finish racing early Sunday so they can leave early!

Allowing engine tear downs, even partial like a cylinder head, goes COMPLETELY against the grain of the spirit of CMC - which is to provide cheap fun entry level grass roots racing. For the vast majority of CMC competitors, it is either the only affordable way they can go racing, or they simply enjoy the buzz and camaraderie of racing W2W with their buds. I for one am not going to race in any class where I am likely to have to spend hours at the end of a weekend pulling apart my engine for rules compliance reasons - and I'm sure that if I feel that way, many other do to, so a rule like this is likely to kill the very series that has arguably become the foundation and nursery of NASA in our region if not nationally!

I have CMC #33 reserved for next year, but if a tear down or partial tear down comes into play, then that will change real quick to AI33, even if it means I'll be running around at the back of the field because I cannot afford to be competitive!

This is not about cheating either - it's about having rules that befit the class of racing. It does seem that there is an issue with the CMC rules, but a teardown or partial teardown rule is NOT the answer - change what is allowed so people don't need to cheat to meet the power to weight rules - not a hard concept to grasp really is it?

This is YOUR racing series - you own the cars, you do the racing, and you pay your entry fees! It is NOT a dictatorship, even though recent actions like locking threads might indicate otherwise? Stand up and be heard before NASA goes the way of the SCCA - if I'm not mistaken, it was situations very similar to this that lead to NASA being formed in the first place! I hope history is not repeating itself?