Quote Originally Posted by AllZWay View Post
Ditto!! Very cool. I would like to do this sometime.
Don't wait until you're too old or anything or wait until you've got the right car or whatever other excuse you can think of. Just get a reliable car that will handle the transits & track stuff and go for the experience your first year. M&Ms route of using a somewhat stock WRX STi is perfect. It's a pretty incredible experience. You'll either figure out it's for you and have that year of experience under your belt to really truly *know* what the event is about and what sort of machine, mods package, etc you want or you'll have it crossed off your bucket list and on to the next challenge.

I did it in '07 as part of an already established team (Neon SRT-4 with about ~400whp) so my experience was a little less trial-by-fire-learn-from-your-mistakes which had its upsides and downsides. Since we weren't new just a couple new team members there was that pressure that we should do even better especially from the car owner / main driver. Didn't get as much driving time as part of a 3 man rotation either that was heavy rotation with the car owner taking tracks he had done before and leaving us newbs splitting up the tracks that were new to the whole team. But it was still a fun experience especially at the end of the event coming in 5th overall and 1st in class. The driving I got to do at Hallett in the mist first time ever in the car at speed period and then having to recalibrate for the dry 2nd session (to come in 11th), the drag stuff, etc. plus just the overall experience of making it through the event itself was something anybody will carry with them for their lives.

I'm itching to do another run at it, even in a car that may not even be competitive in stock class, it was that fun to me anyways.