If you recall over the Christmas holiday a security guard sent us a picture of what he is calling a creature walking thru the paddock at TWS near the Texas A&M campus.

Now a second person sent us a different photo of a yet another Stig.

Angleton, TX Sherrif Carol Legan says there are many animal sightings, but the elusive Stig is rarely seen, except in the morning hours.

“We have alligators, turtles, snakes of all kinds, we have all different kinds of birds, turkeys, deer, raccoons, armadillos, sometimes we have hogs,” Legan said.

Anything out of the norm, she says, they will know.

With nearly 1,000 racers monthly, she says, they patrol the race complex from sun up to sun down.

“We ride the track and paddock trails in our carts; we go out on the access roads too. Just safety checks,” Legan said.

So far, no sightings or reports of a so called Stig.

Her first thought when the photo surfaced, “that it's a hoax, that it's not real. It looked like a racer who lost his car.”

But Legan points out the track on the properly, like seen in the photo, is really narrow thru Turn 7-8, where this Stig was sighted.

“If something was there you would see it,” Legan said.

Whatever you believe, Legan says, with how popular the track is and the fact a two story control tower looks over it, she thinks it would be hard for Stig to hide.

“You can see down the track, and up the track,” Legan said.

An image expert took a look at the photographs. His conclusion is that the photos are not altered, rather authentic.