Quote Originally Posted by cobra132 View Post
Wow, I am very sorry to have caused so much frustration, aggression and anxiety. I did not realize that people were so sensitive and easily upset. I did not see any other cars anywhere in sight except for the Orange AI car I was slowly closing on. I am not sure where the SI race was. I thought I was driving my line and that it was, in fact, a race. I did not realize that the proper etiquette was to pull over and yield. I can guarantee that it will never happen again.
I saw the SI vid. Certainly not the illegal blocking that was reported. Not really blocking at all.
Was there an SI car behind your dad Aaron? Was there a close race for that position? If not, I don't see how his race was more important than Frank's. If Frank felt he was catching an AI car, then he should keep peddling.

As for this comment -
[quote]I just feel my dads frustration cause running a spec iron car that's gridded behind AI is just a cluster.[\quote]
When SI out qual's AI, then SI can start up front and listen to the AI cars have the same complaint your dad has. No different than the CMC guys who have put up w/ it for years w/ AI and now SI. There is no rule for this. Act a certain way, expect that to be how you get treated. If you did no wrong, then sleep well at night.