I hate doing this on the forums, but I will not be @ MSR-H to do it. I was hoping Al could fill in this weekend so I could push this off until TWS, but he will be out this weekend as well.

The time has come for me to step down as CMC Series Director for TX. I just can't put in the time these days. My new position @ work is crazy and very stressful. Add to that my kids and the time I devote to their sports, its a wonder I can function at all. I have been shifting my priorities over to them more and more over the last few years. As they get older, I see the day coming where this time will be gone. Once that happens, I'll come back try and find new ways to help w/ NASA and CMC from a leadership perspective.

I'm not selling my car and I'm not quitting CMC. I just think its time for some new leadership energy for the series locally at a minimum.

I stepped up many years ago to help fix all the problems I caused Adam and Todd as a new racer. I hope I did just that. I hope the series is in a better place now than it was when I stepped in. To say I've learned a lot is an understatement. I've learned to be more PC than I ever thought I could have. Been a long time since I called everyone a bunch of "Ass clowns" (funny story). Anyways....... I think I learned to see all sides of an issue and be completely unbiased regardless of how it affected myself. I didn't learn that on my own, I learned it from my fellow CMC racers.

Think over the next few days about if you think your the person to who can take the wheel and steer this group into the future. This weekend would be a great time to step in and fill an empty spot. Test it out per say. Let me know if your that guy, and I'll let the right people know. I have a couple folks in mind who I would like to see take over. Someone who has been around a while and who everyone respects would do very well in this roll.
I will stay on until the end of the year to help w/ the transition and to help w/ the rules silly season. I will always be around for helping out and answering questions for anyone.

I have been resisting the urge to do this for sometime now. I just don't see my personal situation changing anytime soon. Understand this has nothing to do w/ anything regarding CMC or NASA. I still believe in both wholeheartedly. I just think the series needs more right now than I can give. Thank you all for allowing me to be the Series Director for as long as I have. I've had a good time and made allot of lifelong friends.

Give me a call if you want to chat about this.