Because my water heater doesn't heat water... so i'm at the house waiting on the plumber. Quick shout out to Epic Services, who have more availability than a mobile windshield installer late on a Friday afternoon.

Here's a little sumpin-sumpin to get it started:

Was an interesting weekend with the weather. Several folks were unable to make it, and several cars tried to go home early. We salvaged what we could and made a grand time of it.

Somebody will write it up better, but at 1 to go for Sunday qual, the liquid sunshine REALLY started coming down allowing the RA1 shorn CMC cars to, pardon the pun, carry the water for the field and let CMC start up front for once. If memory serves, the CMC11 had the field covered by nearly 4 seconds a lap during qual. I have no idea-i barely made it pack to pit in.

Enough for now. Post em if you go em, and get the defroster(s) ready for TWS to guarantee it won't rain.