
I had the privilege of being interviewed by NASA Speed News while we were at COTA, and subsequently a phone interview last month. The article is on page 64. Note, some of the 800 words were distilled down from a 30 minute interview, so certain things may not come across quite correctly.

Discussions about fabrication, when the article refers to "himself" - the context is really Brice and I at Alamo (lots of my ideas, and his implementation), as I can't weld for shit, and he has some bad ass fab tools and ideas on how to make things efficiently. The main point being that I can't just buy stuff on line, and we have to make everything.

Second, my friends and sponsors are important to me. I wouldn't have done this for 20 years if I didn't have good friends and a shitload of help.

Third, where it says "all 11 races", it should read "all 11 races entered".

Nothing better than being part of the NASA TX AI/CMC family. I appreciated the opportunity to be included in the publication, and Brett Becker did a great job taking pics/writing it up.

Enjoy the article.

Thanks guys.