Quote Originally Posted by Sook View Post
There have been hints of national level 'something' happening. I don't think we're trying to do anything illegal or put people out of work. What type of backlash are you expecting - Are comp license going to be revoked for running AIX for a weekend?

Making CMC cheaper will definitely grow the class, and increase attendance. This tire test might not be the right solution immediately, but at least it's a step in a direction. There's a strong chance that this tire doesn't work at all for what we're trying to do, I'll have some data on the 4th.

- Josh
I'll agree that making our class cheaper will make it more appealing, but the real challenge is to get that change nationally accepted. To do so would likely require the new tire manufacturer to provide a contingency and for that to bode with big NASA. It's plenty easy to run CMCTX on the Falkens, but again nats and out of region races would be a whole different ballgame until nationally accepted. Data is key here to present your case. At the same time, try to take the results of your testing with a grain of salt.