Finally got 3 of them uploaded. Camera ran out of juice in R2, I'd plugged the thing into the inverter after R1 but left the inverter off. Smooth. For R1, I qual'd 4th and slithered up to 2nd place. I want to thank John for his start on that one, it helped my by him and flyin Bryan. I had a bobble in T1 late in the race and John took a peek, but I held my position.

R2 had some yellow flag drama and after seeing how it went down, I would have made the same mistake. I finished 7th here, but got bumped to 4th. I think in R3 I started 8th, passed as much inverted traffic as I could, stuck to Bob's bumper for most of it, then followed an AMCM car down the inside of T10 on the last lap to snipe 2nd. John was in his own zip code at this point.

And now for the final. I came in with the pole, but screwed the pooch getting back on the gas with John in T1. He did not blow the start on this one, figures. I hounded him for a couple of laps, then missed 3rd leaving the bitch and that was all the gap he needed to do his thing. In the yellow, there was an AI car between me and John so I never could get close enough to do anything. Not like we had much time, the checker came right out after the yellow.

First time I've been on the podium down there, it felt pretty good to do it. Hopefully nothing prevents me from coming back down next year.