Quote Originally Posted by jeffburch
Quote Originally Posted by chicane23
Camera Usage - The camera must be turned on and recording for every on-track session. Every team shall submit the memory card for each of their cars to the appropriate series official(s) within 30-minutes of the end of each on-track session. The series official(s) will mark down that the card was received for each car, and give the team member a blank card for the next session. Teams may download the video from their car within the allotted 30-minute time frame, but must be sure to not erase the video from the memory card. Teams that do not turn in their memory card(s) within the 30-minute time limit, or that turn in a blank memory card will be penalized. This is to insure that no team is tampering with the video.
LOL! Thanks JB...I have made a habit of not reading long posts....even my own! :lol: