I agree with the cameras, both for improving driving and CYA. My point was really not so much a serious one, as it was meant to point out that there is already too much on the plates of the directors between races, and adding keeping track of memory cards asking way too much. World Challenge is a big deal with a LOT of people involved with the logistics.

The fix is really very simple, have forms on hand, make sure everyone knows the rules and drives like they do, have the body contact processes and procedures laid out and communicated to all the drivers before hand and most importantly, be consistant with the enforcement of the rules.

Daron's post was about the procedures and process improvement, not a gripe with individuals. I also think there should be a "unwritten" rule that if you have a gripe or complaint about something or someone, you should take it to the directors of the series and not a forum. Bitching rarely turns into anything positive and it can get personal very fast.