I'm going out on a limb here and going to say the FACE of the deflector is all that really matters as far as foward/back location. If it was the mounting point, you'll have someone using the OEM mounting location and coming up with some contraption where the face just happens to line up vertically with the front bumper. I bet the point where it meets the body must be within that 1" of OEM. Maybe it needs to be opened up a bit more to allow +/- 3" to make mounting easier. Angle appears to be open.

Not quite sure what to make of the 'bent from impacts' question. If you had an OEM one on there, then bent the support, I HIGHLY doubt the intent is to DQ you since it's no longer in the exact coordinates as it came from the factory. It's still in the same relative place as it came from the factory, isn't it? Custom deflector would be no different.