Quote Originally Posted by Alien View Post
Since you're a new guy and can't be expected to know a bunch of history in the group (with or without a rollseyes icon), what David is refering to is something that happened over a year ago concerning his #3 car. For Nick's chin spoiler, it's been cracked when loading and unloading on the trailer, so it will bend back a bit at high speeds. Unfortunately, it's pretty common for third gens to have similar cracks right at the corners from people nosing into curbs when parking. The key is that if you (or Nick has) make new supports for the chin spoiler, it MUST MAINTAIN THE STOCK PROFILE. This bolded part gave Love some issues last year in that his was pushed out (supported) a bit more than the stock profile and was questioned by a series director.
Thank you ...Ross and my self have been looking into this and I am going to remove them until I learn to stay on track...LOL Wile there off I am going to fabricate some brackets and repair them. I am hoping the trailer I am buying from Al F. is low enough not to scrap loading and unloading. We will see :-)