Quote Originally Posted by ShadowBolt View Post
David you know I love you so that said I must tell you that all of us have wondered why you purchased the 3 car? Everyone knew that CMC1 was toast. You purchase the car then bitch when CMC1 was killed off. Several of us have wondered all along why you bought it?

I went to the top at Nationals and asked if CMC1 was going to be eliminated... answer "no"... "there should be enough interest to keep it going"... "low cost with limited upgrades made the series what it is today"... I had great expectations based on conversations with "higher ups" outside of the Texas Region... No big deal... Jason did an outstanding job in that car and thats all that counts...

Nowadays I enjoy taking it to DE's and running with other instructors and showing what that car can do and showing off my driving skills in other peoples cars...

Love to see the look on someones face when I show them the potential of their street cars...

Planning to make all the events next year, I miss the fellowship..