Quote Originally Posted by Mike Bell
I'm beginning to wonder if it is more than anyone can be expected to fix. I'm not talking about the rules or procedures, those seem to be tangibles that either get followed or changed or adapted as time goes on. Maybe when the race group gets bigger than 4-5 racers then it's not going to be friendly and fun anymore.

The issue for me has become racing and what it brings out in personalities (or my multiple personalities lol). Of course I'm only addressing my own behavior (not throwing rocks at anyone else or anyone in particular). When I step back I have to admit I'm mostly ashamed at the way I've acted over the last 4 years not only with NASA TX but with my fellow racers. While racing has been a ton of fun but I've also allowed the same "adrenaline rush" to take over my interactions with my fellow racers OFF of the track. This board is chocked full with examples of my unsocial pathological crazy idiocy. I haven't contributed, I've criticized and complained.

Mitch's analogy of writing checks the friendship bank account can't cover pretty much hits the nail on the head. Perhaps I can't play in this sandbox nicely. That's a pretty sad commentary but there's too much truth in it to ignore. Bitching at NASA TX on some year end form is not the answer to this problem, it's the driver's attitude that need adjusting in my case.
Ditto for me....I could not have written it better myself. I too am tired of complaining....it hasn't worked and neither has my approach. I am just going to choose to ignore it the best I can and attempt to enjoy racing again. I have spoken to John and Wayne about this and the conclusion I came up with is that guys like Fincik, and the other two guys with the blue coupe and black LX hatch, whose names elude me at the moment have the right idea...they go out and enjoy open tracking and leave all the BS of competition racing to those of us who THINK they are really racing. I think we might all be confused that we can keep the joy of open tracking with buddies and combine it with our racing fun. I know I have made that mistake and plan to change that in the future.