Not sure if there were any DQ for passing under yellow at the start of the race. Who in their right mind made the decision to tell them to throw the green with a standing yellow at the starter stand? Tell me who would have seen and paid attention to a person holding a solid yellow flag at the starter stand when the flagger is vigorously waving a green flag in the manner he was. When you watch Jack's in car video, you can see me leaving about 60-70 feet of my new tires on that track due to someones poor judgement to have them start the race. Look at turn 1 and there is no flag at T1 station but they finally made the decision to throw a full course caution by the time we hit T3. I looked at the CCR before I posted earlier to make sure I wasn't missing anything and NO WHERE do they talk about a green/yellow flag. Below is copy paste from the CCR on split starts. I looked at my video earlier and at the time I hit my brakes it looked as if I was doing anywhere between 100-120MPH (bad shadow so it's hard to see) I will get off my soap box about this but I won't stop being pissed about it for awhile. Pissed for the poor guy left on track while this unfolded, Pissed I almost wrecked my car because I didn't see the Vette until the red Camaro moved over and Pissed cause they helped me ruin 2 new tires I can't use anymore because of flat spots. I will post my video later of the start when I can find the time to edit it to a couple seconds.

My driving weekend pretty well stunk there. The track is scary fast and I struggled with my car all weekend and tried to grow more cojones for the walls but never quite got there. We did finally change the rear springs Saturday night and the car felt great for the morning 100 car all skate practice. Just can't move anywhere in the field on 4 laps 1 lap at a time between DYellow. A late find on a cracked front rotor kept me from making it to the Saturday qual race till 2 laps into it. Still had a great time regardless. IMO NASA needs to have MANY more meetings with the NASA people as well as the track before they run a national event. I know a lot of the set backs and hold ups were due to racers themselves but there were plenty of things that could have prevented a few things.

20.8 Flagman Timed Start (split or not)
The Starter will raise a furled green flag over his / her head and open it slowly. After displaying an open green
flag for approximately five (5) seconds, the Starter will drop the green flag. The group of cars will leave the
starting line. In the case of a second group of cars (split), the flagman will repeat the process; and again for
every subsequent group.
Once the green flag has been raised, and there is a need to abort the start, the Starter will keep the flag in the
air, and slowly furl it closed, then lower it slowly with the handle held vertically. This procedure should be done
with care, as not to cause a false start