Quote Originally Posted by Al Fernandez View Post
So... all very interesting reading and I appreciate everyone voicing their thoughts. Last time we changed CMC rules about platform parity was for the 2013 season. We took track width away (0.75") from the GM camp and added weight (50lbs) to the GMs as well. I hated adding weight to the GM cars over taking weight off of the Mustangs but back then many GM drivers couldn't make minimum weight so it made things better.

The discussions then were almost exactly like the discussions in this and the other thread...except the platforms were swapped. At the time we did what I consider to be a fair job of trying to use data to help including lap times, number of wins, number of fastest laps, and even theoretical best laps using data loggers. We rationalized needing to make changes, and we did.

Four racing seasons later, we certainly don't have Camaro Camaro Challenge as many in 2011 said we were headed to. Instead, in Texas, we've had a ford win the series four years in a row, and have plenty of fast cars running foxes, SN95s, SN99s, as well as GMs. I'd say the rules changes worked. Perhaps they worked too well, perhaps not and that is why I purposely started encouraging discussion about platform parity that have essentially been dormant for a long time. The reality is we've never made an attempt to reconcile if we had gone too far, not far enough, or hit the target square in the bullseye. As I explained to the rest of the directors, I'm not in a particular hurry to make a change, but I do want to continue discussion and spend time gathering data and analyzing it to see if a change is warranted.
Al, you are welcome to use my Trackmate to put in different cars to see where we are. Real data is the only thing that counts. Numbers of wins and poles is BS. Track width should be as close as possible IMHO. Why should anyone get extra width? We may have gone too far in weight but I don't know. I do think that if the Mustang was the same weight as the fourth gen the race results would be exactly the same. Performance would be different but I don't see it changing the results......maybe I'm wrong. I know BL is sure I'm wrong. I'm not sure the Fox needs to weigh any less than a SN95 or SN99 but most are way over the min. anyway. Please add 200 lbs. to Tyler and Craig's cars and I will be winning every race........yeah...BS. Okay back to the real world. If the data shows that we should all weigh the same thing no problem.
I know I talked to Derek Wright and he told me point blank that the Camaro was a better race car and he felt he had an advantage. In fact he ask me why I was driving a Mustang. We also have to remember that Mr. Curtis kind of won everything at Hallett two years ago in a fourth gen. I think we are very close guys and talking about wins and poles is not the answer. Lets get some data and if adjustments need to be made so be it. I know guys over 58 should get an extra 50 HP and TQ!