Quote Originally Posted by ShadowBolt View Post
I agree with the above statement if purchasing the most expensive helmet is really safer.

A more expensive helmet can certainly be safer... in the street motorcycle world or if you are looking for something for motorcross or ATV use. There are helmets available that meet different standards and you should choose the appropriate one.

In the closed car racing world, not really. All helmets have to meet Snell SA2010 or SA2015, or FIA 8859-2015, FIA 8860-2010, FIA 8858-2010 standards. These are tough standards to meet. In fact, there are arguments that the standards are too tough. More is not better in this realm. The Snell standard has the helmets tested at an impact energy that is very likely to cause a traumatic brain injury. Designing the helmet for such high impacts means the helmet isn't as good at protecting for smaller impacts that are more likely. The argument is that people are getting hurt by minor hits because the helmet is trying to protect against something that probably isn't survivable. I don't know as much about the FIA standards.

One aspect that can help with safety is helmet weight. A lighter helmet is going to put less load on your neck when you are getting thrashed around. This is less of an issue now that HANS devices are required.

Correct helmet fit is still important for comfort and safety.

Richard P.