I think it's universally agreed that we have to do something about the tires to really let this class continue to sustain and grow, and to a certain extent our region does not have enough in-state events to be fun. It's shitty that NOLA takes place of a second MSRH or MSRC.

I like running at COTA but not at $1199; my expectation is that the price drops next year or it gets off the calendar for something else that would get more attendance.

Us houston folk have it the hardest in that everything outside of one MSRH is a haul with exception to NOLA that no one wants to go t

Not sure what to think about TMS but again watching our breakage rates, I am worried for some of you guys running TMS at full tilt and am now myself on the fence about that event for safety concerns.

I guess I'm not sure where I was going with this thread, but it's frustrating to watch a starting pack of 6 cars whittle itself down to 2 in a 3 race weekend and I'm just watching everyone break random stuff like I used to when I first started in my early years, before I went nuclear on my car; after I get my floor professionally welded and do the fuel cell this summer its going to be really solid.

My suggestion about the newer cars was just giving us a long term clean sheet option but as was said earlier we failed with spec iron; what killed that class? Shocks or not enough cost limits?