Quote Originally Posted by drecords View Post
I don't know the answer to this, I don't know that it's something we can count on...most people who look to get into the sport come at it from a car cost perspective and less on what consumables cost initially. At least that was my experience.

I'm coming at this from the angle that it's unsustainable to have a $10k race car and spend $6-8k on tires per season to be competitive.

That being said, I think CMC will be a more attractive landing spot for folks making the step to W2W if we have competitive operating costs. To attract more racers I think we should look to what Spec Corvette is doing w.r.t. social media presence, etc. Different subject for a different thread though...
You are correct about car prices being why someone may look at CMC to start racing for the first time but it does not take long to figure out that tire cost is the killer. Also I wonder how many racers would consider dropping down to CMC from another class (assuming they needed to cut their cost of racing but still wanted to race wheel to wheel) but they know the tire issue and just drop out of racing all together. I can name several guys that used to run CMC that will not come back due to the tire issue (cost).