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View Full Version : MSR-Cresson TV Show

06-06-2007, 05:24 PM
Dear MotorSport Enthusiast,

The documentary/reality TV series entitled "MotorSport Ranch", which was
filmed at MotorSport Ranch last year will debut tomorrow, Thursday, June 7th,
2007 at 8:00 p.m. central time. The show is broadcast in HD on the RUSH
channel on the DISH Network. There will be a total of 13 episodes for the first
season. It is a fun show that profiles the members of the club, what they drive,
who they are.... then pits them against each other on the track. Not
scripted, we just filmed the action as it happened.

Coincidently, this is the 8th anniversary of the MotorSport Ranch opening
for business.

And "they" all said that the idea of a motorsport country club was a bad
idea... I wonder if all those naysayers will tune in to watch....

Best regards,

Jack Farr

06-06-2007, 06:45 PM
Too bad I don't have Dish network. :?

06-06-2007, 08:16 PM
can anyone here record it?

06-06-2007, 08:40 PM
If I knew when the 1st episode aired, I can Tivo, then play to computer capture/upload/host.
But only if there is sufficient demand and proportional accolades and praise after doing so. :)

Seriously, I have dish, who really gives a hoot about it?
I didn't like Setup on speed.
I don't watch the Roush thingy on Discover or where ever.
Media hype crap.
Alot of trouble unless big demand (but can do).


David Love AI27
06-06-2007, 10:00 PM
If I knew when the 1st episode aired, I can Tivo, then play to computer capture/upload/host.
But only if there is sufficient demand and proportional accolades and praise after doing so. :)

Seriously, I have dish, who really gives a hoot about it?
I didn't like Setup on speed.
I don't watch the Roush thingy on Discover or where ever.
Media hype crap.
Alot of trouble unless big demand (but can do).


oh hail (or is it "oh hell"?) great mighty one, please record ALL 13 episodes and edit out everything except the super fast 27 car and post on U-tube...

Muchos grasis

pm me with that mailing addess so I can send the cash for video cam... I am planning a trip up to do TDE in July.... OR maybe this weekend for the IRL race at TMS

06-07-2007, 06:21 AM
So, I'm setting up the timer this morning (I read the orig. post... duh).
In the description for the show it says "Dirt Surfing".
It's in HD so it should be a chore to get to a .wmv

No YouTube, don't wanna get in trouble. Plus it's an hour show.


06-07-2007, 09:29 AM
I would not mind seeing the first show, and then make a desicion on if its worth getting the rest.


Todd Covini
06-07-2007, 01:56 PM
I wouldn't mind checking it out.
....and I LOVED the Setup show on Speed.

Thankyouverymuch, oh Grand PooBah!

-=- Todd

06-07-2007, 02:22 PM
I wouldn't mind checking it out.
....and I LOVED the Setup show on Speed.

Thankyouverymuch, oh Grand PooBah!

-=- Todd

I really like it too.... especially a couple of the episodes that were really tension filled.

I kind of like the Roush Gong show from a couple of years ago also.

06-07-2007, 04:49 PM
So, I'm setting up the timer this morning (I read the orig. post... duh).
In the description for the show it says "Dirt Surfing".
It's in HD so it should be a chore to get to a .wmv

No YouTube, don't wanna get in trouble. Plus it's an hour show.

jbIf you want, burn the episodes to a DVD and I'll host 'em.

06-07-2007, 07:10 PM
I still have your ftp info.
DD ponied up as well.
That's all the easy part ;)


This one is Baaaaddddd.
Old 911, Elise or Exige and a Pinata.
Squat To Pee TV.

06-07-2007, 10:14 PM
13 one hour episodes?
No F'n way man!
I'll be lucky to get the remaining segments of the 1st one up.

Episode 1, Segment one.
14:40/45.8 meg
340x240 wmv (down from 1080p)


Segment 2- 35meg

Segment 3- 32.6meg

Segment 4- 53.7meg

I expect comments on the show here in this thread.

I think,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NASA Tx. CMC/AI drama would make this look like Will and Grace LOL!


Thanks to Robert King again for the bandwidth!!!!!!!!!

06-08-2007, 08:53 AM
watched the first one.

painfully gay.

But, thats just my opinion.

06-08-2007, 08:53 AM
Don't bother getting anymore...

I watched the segments posted so far.... I'm not interested at all.

Thanks for getting what you did!!! I appriciate the effort!!!


06-08-2007, 09:01 AM
dear God! that was painful. only good thing aboutit was i was on overtime while i watched it last night.

06-08-2007, 09:24 AM
The coolest part was seeing Scotts CMC car in the PST garage!


06-08-2007, 11:24 AM
We only made it through the first segment. I think most of my brain oozed out of my ears while watching. I take it the show didn't get any better later on.

Thanks for the effort, Jeff and RK!

06-08-2007, 11:51 AM
First impression: What a nicely done, well produced piece of CRAP!!! House dogs, Match Box cars, Yoga classes... OMG, WTF!!!

Second impression: Take away the fact that I race, expected more wheel to wheel action, and this was produced for the average BoBo who is into cars and know squat about racing, then I guess it serves it's purpose. It's definately not for the race fans.

Final impression: Everytime I watch these types of shows it's like getting beat over my head with a "How They Should Have Done It" stick. One of these days, I'd love to produce a short series about AI/CMC and finalize the show at the Nationals.


06-08-2007, 04:46 PM
Then it's settled then.
I'm not putting up any more.

Maybe RK can start a thread on corner-carvers linking to it.
Get a discussion going there about it LOL!

Just curious about the format.
Did the winner move on?
Are there 3 new participants per episode?
Anyone understand it?

13 episodes?
How many people have that channel?
How many actual viewers nationwide?
I wonder what they paid for an hour slot?
How much did it cost to produce a 1 hour show that pretty?


David Love AI27
06-08-2007, 07:40 PM
glad it missed it.... not enough time in the day as it is...

06-10-2007, 04:27 PM
dear God! that was painful. only good thing aboutit was i was on overtime while i watched it last night.

I watched the first segment... and quit after that.

06-12-2007, 10:14 PM
I got about 8 minutes into the first segment... and shut it off.

06-15-2007, 12:18 PM
I came upon the last 5min of the most recent episode last nite.
Blue cars.
Viper, Subaru, MiniCooper.
Guess what order they finished.
This should be shown at dentist offices to take your mind off the pain in your mouth.
13 one hour episodes?

"Pinks All Out" the other night was really good.
Ten-0 class, won by a kid in a white Mustang.


06-15-2007, 01:40 PM
If you want to see all kinds of cars run, go to a Pinks event.

The brother-in-law and I took the kids out to Baytown for the All Out event and had a blast. Cheap entrance fee, enough people to have a nice crowd feel but not packed and race track food.

I was routing for the Valiant though...