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12-26-2007, 09:27 AM

If I read it right no racing at this place either?


12-26-2007, 11:48 AM
I find it ironic that when I first met Jack Farr 10 years ago, he said that any potential financial backer explained that there is no way something like that was a viable business model. It was doomed to failure.

12-26-2007, 12:05 PM
heh, i've snuck out there before earlier this year when it was just phase 1. local autocross club has run out there a few times. its only a mile or two from my work, right off 183. Its right on the river. we were looking at the 10 acres next door for sale which was $300K and only 0.7acres of it was NOT in the colorado flood plain.

12-26-2007, 12:12 PM
Until its paved and has real infrastructure (safe guardrails, garages, fencing, etc...) I'm going to be skeptical. There have been too many projects like this that have died on the vine (still bitter about Gunterring!)

And FWIW, they all have the same business model (rent it out to companies and well-heeled car nuts, or sell memberships.) And they generally end up renting it for club racing events (BMW, PCA, etc...) and NASA.

The more tracks, the better, of course. :D

12-26-2007, 12:12 PM
Until its paved and has real infrastructure (safe guardrails, garages, fencing, etc...) I'm going to be skeptical. There have been too many projects like this that have died on the vine (still bitter about Gunterring!)

And FWIW, they all have the same business model (rent it out to companies and well-heeled car nuts, or sell memberships.) And they generally end up renting it for club racing events (BMW, PCA, etc...) and NASA.

The more tracks, the better, of course. :D

12-26-2007, 12:42 PM
(still bitter about Gunterring!)

Me too... It would have been the closest for me. :evil: