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View Full Version : Have April Enduro questions?

03-07-2008, 09:10 AM
post them up here and i'll put together a sheet to forward to NASA TX for answers.
i've just sent them an email asking a few that i have.
FYI - this event is under 6 weeks away.

03-07-2008, 10:57 AM
How about the cost of the enduro.
Also how is this going to change our normal weekend format? I ASSume the regional event is going to get less track time so what will our race format be? Also regional entry fee?

03-07-2008, 11:06 AM
Like Michael I want to know if we will still get three or four races (like a normal race weekend). If not and we are only going to get one day of racing (and your not in the enduro) it may not be worth the drive for some.


03-07-2008, 11:58 AM
I'm looking forward to this weekend!

I see this as an opportunity!

I'm excited to help guys who are running the enduro and help NASA Texas with their first enduro. This is huge step toward us having more in the future and getting them longer as the bugs are worked out, looking forward to 6, 8 and 12 hrs enduros in the future!!!

I'm looking at this as an opportunity to help NASA and us in the future.

As Glenn stated lets get our question posted so we can get them to NASA ASAP! The event is fast approaching.


03-07-2008, 01:07 PM
I'm prepping AIX #67 for the enduro effort.

The only question/clarification I need is I remember Clifton saying that it would end before headlights would be required... correct?

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to 4 hours of fun!!!

I won't be running the regular NASA regional races that weekend, so I can help out on Sunday to those who lend a hand on Saturday. :)

03-07-2008, 01:17 PM
OK Here's the official word - 4 hours on Saturday afternoon.

Sat. - 1 Qual., 1 - 20 min race, 1 - 4 hour enduro, after party until we all pass out
Sun. - 1 Qual., 2 - 20 min races

Can we ping Clifton to see if this is still the case?

Would still love to see regional races on Saturday and leave the enduro for Sunday!

Rob Liebbe
03-07-2008, 10:07 PM
Do we need additional lettering on the car for the enduro class?

Is radio equipment required? Seems like I heard that this was going to be the case - will rentals be available?

Is HANS devices required at this event - would precede/supercede CCR? I'll be picking mine up at Cresson next week.

The enduro will conclude before dark - right?

Any thoughts/experience on how many crew members, equipment, tires, fuel are required to run a 4 hour enduro - looking for past experience on this question.

Anybody looking for a co-driver?

Who has grouped up already?

I want to be involved, but don't know at what level yet - would certainly love to drive it in my car, but I feel that I'm behind the ball already.

03-07-2008, 10:22 PM
I have a set of radios for loan if required.
Get with me offline for info.
I also have off the week before with nothing to do if anyone needs help.

03-07-2008, 10:51 PM
Michael and I are going to drive my car during the enduro...

03-08-2008, 12:13 AM
i got w/ Clifton offline like i said above.
i too would like to see the enduro on Sunday after noon.
he told me a info packet would be handed out at Round 2.
the NASA TX website would have info postedon it the week after Round 2.

other than that, i didnt get much out of him.

Rob Liebbe
03-08-2008, 08:37 AM
Another question to add to the sheet - In the event of weather changing from dry to wet during the event, how does that affect the one tire only tire change? Seems like a change to four rain tires would be a safety benefit.

03-08-2008, 10:05 AM
good one Rob!

03-08-2008, 11:43 AM
Why not run a 40 minute race on Sat. morning so at least (if your not running the enduro) you get a normal weekend of racing?


Waco Racer
03-10-2008, 08:41 AM
OK guys & gals,

1) Cost - we will announce the entry fees at the event this weekend.
2) We will be off of the track by 5 on Saturday. We will pass out the schedule for the Enduro this weekend. There will be 3 Sprint races - 1 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday.
3) No additional lettering needed, you will need to get your class right for the Enduro entry form to help T & S.
4) H & N requirements per the CCR
5) It was announced at the Drivers Meeting at Houston that Argent Labs would be providing listen only radios, for those that need them, so that all drivers can monitor the Information Broadcast.
6) Rain will be dealt with per the CCR 20.14 & 23.9
7) Due to heavy right side tire wear at TWS, ERR 8.11 will be amended to 2 tires per stop. 8.12 will be enforced as well. NO MIXING of the rules.
8 ) Expect a helmet rule for all crew members going over the wall.


Al Fernandez
03-10-2008, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the clarifications!

03-18-2008, 09:56 AM
Did I miss them announcing the cost of the entry fees and the schedule for the enduro weekend?

I would like to know as soon as possible to help decide if I will attend this event. Looking forward to hearing of Rob's enduro experience to learn what type of planning is required.


03-18-2008, 10:05 AM
i had a few words w/ Shannon about this Sunday. i was assured there would be info poster on the NASA site yesterday. since i spent the whole day in bed w/ some wierd version of the flu, i didnt have much energy to check.

the point is they havent given us any info other than they are planning one. no cost info, no set rules, nothing.
i'm very close to pulling the plug on my effort, but since Mike P has purchased plane tickets already, we are kinda commited.

Waco Racer
03-18-2008, 10:18 AM
I am typing the information now. It is my fault that Shannon dosn't have the pricing yet. I will get with her at lunch today.

Rob Liebbe
03-18-2008, 08:16 PM
Looking forward to hearing of Rob's enduro experience to learn what type of planning is required.


My prep for the mini-enduro was to think about it for a couple of days, changed the oil, got lucky that I had enough tires and brake pads on hand, talked with a few people Saturday about helping me, attended the enduro driver's meeting on Saturday, announced my intention to run at the post qual meeting Sunday, had less than an hour to finalize the car but had a ton of volunteers to help, and I have a reliable car to start with (jinxed it just now probably).

I'm currently stuck in Chicago after a long day of screwed up travel. I will get my writeup out soon.

03-19-2008, 06:18 PM
So is anyone thinking of doing this solo and strapping on some depends?

03-20-2008, 09:25 AM
So is anyone thinking of doing this solo and strapping on some depends?
Not sure, we have to hear the details of the event first. :wink:

03-20-2008, 09:42 AM
So is anyone thinking of doing this solo and strapping on some depends?

Based on my cycling experience, if it's warm at all you should be able to manage liquid intake; don't want to dehydrate but shouldn't need exess fluids either. Were I driving it, I would seriously consider an electrolyte replacement drink like CytoMax or Hammer.

I prefer the tropical punch (http://www.cytosport.com/Product.aspx?ProductID=5) flavor.

03-20-2008, 12:56 PM
The mini enduro this past weekend used 5 min fueling pitstops. Do we know what the pit procedures/times will be for the April enduro? I am still not clear on this and its an important point with regard to planning. Frank

Waco Racer
03-20-2008, 01:12 PM
Sorry for the delay - again. If Todd would check his email we could release the Enduro information tonight. :?

03-20-2008, 02:10 PM
Sorry for the delay - again. If Todd would check his email we could release the Enduro information tonight. :?

Todd left for families house from Cresson. he noted that he would not have internet access till he got back later this weekend.

i'm about ready to pull the plug.

03-20-2008, 02:21 PM
Can the information be released w/o Todd seeing his e-mail?

Todd Covini
03-24-2008, 08:19 PM

Uhhh...my cell phone worked all week and I reviewed and responded Friday. Last I saw there seemed to be a few more tweaks to the schedule so the weekend flowed better but overall it should be ready for release.

No big deal guys....do like Rob and treat it as if it were a 4 hour race instead of a 40 minute race. The details will be out shortly, but you know you'll need fuel...tires...maybe brake pads. CMC cars are incredibly durable and should have no problem going the 4 hours. AI cars know where the durability issues will be and should be able to manage accordingly.

I'm sure Clifton will have something out shortly. Call me if anyone needs anything. In the meantime, somebody get this bus off of me!!! :wink:

-=- T

Todd Covini
03-24-2008, 08:21 PM
No sooner than I posted this, I now see that all the details have already been posted! 8)