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View Full Version : Bring'n dah wood to Cali....Texas style.

Adam Ginsberg
04-28-2008, 12:36 AM
I had a great time racing with the Cali boys.....and showed them how it's done in TX.

Saturday was a bit rough - after spending 2 weeks going through the car front to back, I thought I covered all the maintenance issues. Well, I missed one or two things.....

Got on track Sat morning, followed the local guys trying to learn the line. By qual, I was in the 2:09's, vs 2:07's for Mr. Plum. The car didn't quite feel right. I qual'd P4 ( out of 5 CMC cars ). During Sat R1, I could feel the hub(s) going out, so I pulled it in 2 laps before the end of the race.

Fortunately, Don Lariviere (very soon to be CMC racer, and the MAIN MAN who built the CMC Nat'l trophy ) was having a cage installed @ 7's Only (onsite shop @ BW), and offered a fresh set of hubs w/long studs. A quick hub swap was performed, everything was buttoned up for Sunday. Huge thanks to Don for the hubs!

Sunday looked to be better, but in practice, the car still didn't feel 100% right. I brought it back in, put it in the air, and started checking the front again. While doing so, I realized the two front Toyos were toast - seriously corded. :shock: Put new tires up front, and buttoned everything back up.

Grid call for our inverted "Qual Race". Since I was DFL on R1, that put me on pole. Got to grid, was backing into my spot, and the car stalled. And refused to start. Group B headed out on track, while I continued to try and start my car. The tow truck appeared, and asked if a tow back to the pits was needed....I tried one more time....and the car fired right up. :?: Got all buckled back in, and roared off to try and catch the CMC crew....but I was 2 laps down. The upside was a 2:07.2 (vs Plum's 2:07.7 in that race) on lap 4...the car was flat out hooked up.

Still....I had to grid DFL for this afternoon's race. Standing start...took two positions by T3, another by the start of lap 2 and was in 2nd, working over Mike Plum as hard as possible. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get around him, but he was never able to just drive off....I stayed damn close to his bumper until the end.

P2 in R3. Took home some Toyo money, and a half case of Redline oil.

Overall, even with the problems, we still had a blast racing with the Cali CMC-crew. As much as I miss the TX nutjobs, I look forward to racing with them again. :)

04-28-2008, 07:23 AM
Sorry for your woes, Adam, but excellent showing.

Adam Ginsberg
04-28-2008, 09:22 AM
Sunday, R3. (http://www.shrackracing.com/video/BW-27-Apr-R3-med.wmv) Right click, save as. 65mb.

Todd Covini
04-28-2008, 10:12 AM
Ummm....5 CMC cars? :shock:
I heard they had 10+ CMC-2 cars...did the whole field up and go Late Model on us???

Frustrating when the little stuff bites like that, but glad you had fun over there!

Adam Ginsberg
04-28-2008, 10:19 AM
Yeah - the low car count was disappointing. 5 CMC cars, 6 (maybe 7...can't remember) CMC2 cars. It appears the Cali-crew is moving towards the later model cars.

It will be interesting to see how things shape up over the next 2 or so years, but I suspect this trend will continue.

I should mention - they had an event @ SPIR only 2 weeks ago.....that makes for a tough turn around, and I believe that contributed to the low car count.

Al Fernandez
04-28-2008, 01:29 PM
Nice work Adam! Bummer their car count was so low, not really quaracteristic. What was the CMC2 field like??

Adam Ginsberg
04-28-2008, 03:53 PM
The 2 week turn around, coupled with high fuel prices and it being a SoCal event didn't help.

The CMC2 racing was pretty damn close. Brady, who clearly likes to drive with the ass-end constantly hanging out, had some issues, as did a few others. Tony spent all day Saturday, wrenching on his car and not racing. Jeremy and Larry spent considerable time helping Tony get his car done.

Peter had the worst (brand new 2008 Mustang GT turned into a CMC2 car). He raced on Sat, then ran in the 3 hour enduro with Brady. On L2 (or 3, can't recall), while Brady was driving, they were hit hard in the pass rear quarter. Did considerable damage to the rear, appeared to have cocked the axle, damaged the exhaust (which may have led to a burned valve), etc. Lot's of tape to keep the trunk in place. He raced Sunday, but he and Tony "had an incident" on the last turn of L1, causing them both to go into the dirt.

Brady retired early on Sun, Tony retired early on Sun, I think Peter did as well.....lot's of attrition.

CMC had some good racing, but without the car count, it wasn't as good as it good have been. I couldn't really give anyone a run on Sat with my troubles, and I'm unsure how close the rest of the field was that day.

Sunday was MUCH better - even tho I got around Jeremy, he did his best to stay glued to my bumper. On lap ~7 or 8, he went off on the last turn before the front straight, and couldn't make it back up, leaving the main battle between Plum and I. Props to MP, as he never put a wheel wrong in Sunday's race.

04-28-2008, 07:05 PM
Glad to hear Sunday became a more productive day and congrats on the 2nd place!!

Watched the video, talk about a quick gridding on the standing start!! :shock: