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View Full Version : Off at turn 6 (TWS CW) - new distance record

06-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Went at least 150 yds, part of that airborne, according to Corn. Ended up on the far bank of the creek that's way back there. Had to lift it out with the backhoe at the end of the day. Both driver and instructor were okay.


Let me know if the link does not work.

06-08-2008, 09:28 AM
BTW, this was yesterday at TDE. I'll get more info today about why it happened.

06-08-2008, 09:49 AM
the link doesnt work for me.

also - how'ed the car do at MSR-C the other day?

06-08-2008, 10:10 AM

06-08-2008, 10:15 AM
Wow, that car was sandwiched in there!!!!!
Was Covini the instructor? :shock:

06-08-2008, 10:37 AM
the link doesnt work for me.

also - how'ed the car do at MSR-C the other day?

Fixed. Well, at least the link is taken care of. Car, not so much. :roll:

Did the same old stuff. Was great for a session and then throttle and fuel pressure decided to have an inverse relationship about 3 laps into the 2nd. Pulling the vacuum line to the regulator brought pressure back up and it stayed steady. Bad regulator diaphragm was the diagnosis. Didn't have another regulator on hand, so won't get to try it before Hallett. Not even sure that we can get 2 cars to Hallett or that I want to. Martin's car will go for sure. If mine doesn't make it there, I'll drive his on Sunday.

I'm off to buy a regulator. Thanks for reminding me.

06-08-2008, 12:24 PM
Was Covini the instructor? :shock:

Was Bryan a passenger?

06-09-2008, 09:18 AM
I'm waiting to hear details of the off.

CW or CCW?

I make sure to impress on my students how inportant it is to leave a big safety margin in 6-7.

06-09-2008, 09:31 AM
I'm waiting to hear details of the off.

CW or CCW?

I make sure to impress on my students how inportant it is to leave a big safety margin in 6-7.

They were running CW. I was supposed to instruct (yeah I know that's a joke) but I backed out. I don't see the threat in turn six. Did he spin and went off and into the tank backwards? That's what it looks like. Running CCW I'm the slowest person on the track through 5 and 6 but CW it's my favorite set of turns turn on the track. I have never heard of or seen a car go off in turns 5 or 6 going either way (except for Todd). What am I missing?


06-09-2008, 09:34 AM
I have never heard of or seen a car go off in turns 5 or 6 going either way (except for Todd). What am I missing?


Nothing ... you got it ...


06-09-2008, 09:35 AM
Third green session of the day, CW. Apparently, the student didn't brake enough or at all attempting a late pass in the braking zone between 6 & 7. Corner worker at 6 never heard any hard braking and there weren't any marks left. Worker started to call in a waving yellow when the car went off. It went over the access road and the worker lost sight of it. He called an alert when he heard a cartoon-like "sproing" that turned out to be the car hitting the tree in the pictures. Apparently, happened very fast. Worker was in the middle of the yellow call when he changed to the alert.

06-09-2008, 09:36 AM
I have gone off entering T6 CW a couple times. Just missed my marks.

I can mat it exiting T8 and not lift till T6. It's as fast as the front straight.
Till one gets adjusted to the braking points, it can be rather hairy.

06-09-2008, 09:49 AM
I have gone off entering T6 CW a couple times. Just missed my marks.

I can mat it exiting T8 and not lift till T6. It's as fast as the front straight.
Till one gets adjusted to the braking points, it can be rather hairy.

Obviously I'm not going fast enough.


06-09-2008, 09:50 AM
I have gone off entering T6 CW a couple times. Just missed my marks.

I can mat it exiting T8 and not lift till T6. It's as fast as the front straight.
Till one gets adjusted to the braking points, it can be rather hairy.

Ok -- I missed the CW notation in the title. I can see how 6 can be more dangerous CW.

If I don't think my student can complete the pass in the first 75% of the passing zone, I don't let him start the pass, or I wave him off.

Getting back on line, scrubbing speed, and navigating a turn all at once is a bit much to ask from a student, especially a green student.