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View Full Version : Nationals 2008...who is going?

08-05-2008, 12:17 PM
For those of us that are going, let's start a coordination thread to get things on track.

I plan on leaving Plano on 9/9 early in the am and probably staying in either Bowling Green or Louisville tuesday night getting a long day out of the way and making Wednesday a shorter haul into MO arriving mid day Wednesday and off loading and settling in.

Camping at the track and I think I have Mr. Burch to keep me from drifting asleep at the wheel. Will have my standard rig in tow so space will be tight for parts.

I know Donovan and Mason/Daron are headed to MO as well but who all else is thinking of going to kick ass at NATS?!!

If someone would like to convoy up, maybe we can work something out and have two way radios to beat the boredom.

08-05-2008, 12:40 PM
i've been offered some help over the weekend. not sure if its enough, but its helping me. my Camaro may sell soon, i'll know more this week. if that sells, i'm about 60% sure i'll go.

Adam Ginsberg
08-05-2008, 01:07 PM
Looking for a place to bunk at the Nats, for those who have room. I'll have my own sleeping bag and such, just need room to sleep.

LMK - thanks.

08-05-2008, 01:46 PM
Dibbs on Donovan's trailer for shelter! ;)

Adrian sent me an email a while back that she has gridded DD, Team Downunder and myself side by side by side... Maybe we can turn that into a miniature paddock?

Todd Covini
08-05-2008, 03:00 PM
I'm going and will be the CMC Race Director (info coming soon on that).
I'm also looking for a coordinated effort and always enjoy the road trip over the fly in/fly out routine.
I'd like to be there Tue. nite or early Wed. morning...Wed. practice is a hoot...and always nice to setup early.
I've got the paddock map and would like to move the small group of us & Agent47 to the flatter ground between the Factory Five trailer and the Ford Racing (Capaldi) trailer and immediately across from the AI West group. (Would get a bigger group of AI/CMC and it looks like Phil's Tire is taking majority of the area we previously had...that could get busy.)
My preference would be to get a motorhome or pitch in on one. If we pitch in, we should all be able to rent one and then it's manageable costwise and sleep wise.

Those who have caravan'd before remember the midnight stops and everybody piles into the motorhome for a 4 hour cat-nap and then goes back to respective truck/trailers to continue on.

So who's in?

08-05-2008, 03:05 PM
Adam said he was gonna be race director. or was he confused too and now realizes hes just a coordinator?

Also - who from LAW is going?

Todd Covini
08-05-2008, 03:12 PM
I'll be the Nationals CMC Race Director and Adam will be my CMC Series/Tech Director and Jim Schenk will be my FFR Series/Tech Director. Similar setup as last year....I'll also look to the CMC/FFR regional series directors for input/guidance/consensus in making decisions....same as last year.

-=- Todd

PS- If you would ever call me back, Glenn, you'd know all this. "You neva cawl me anymawr!"

08-05-2008, 03:21 PM
... "You neva cawl me anymawr!"

"Running Scared"
Billy Crystal


08-05-2008, 03:25 PM
i'm pretty sure its you who has recieved the last 3-4 voice mails requesting a call back, and not the other way around.

08-05-2008, 03:41 PM
I love it when chicks fight ...


Todd Covini
08-05-2008, 03:49 PM
...notice that cat's stiff upper right pouncing on that pussy, too! :wink:

08-05-2008, 04:10 PM
Can't speak for Daron/Mason but they mentioned renting a hauler since their burban' was a little long in the years!

The wednesday practice seems like a good idea but not at that price! I will be mainlining donvan's videos nightly for the next few weeks! Speaking of which, did you guys watch the world challenge race with the green viper that went off where David did! David was lucky he lifted!!! LOL!!!

08-05-2008, 04:55 PM

re: "moving to another area" - we Rocky Mtn folks are thinking we'll be next to our Texas brethren. Will you be sure to coordinate with Dave Balingit?


Todd Covini
08-05-2008, 08:17 PM
Will do Chris, but we all have got 2 themes going on.
Some folks are trying to pit by region...and some folks are trying to pit by class. NASA Texas has got an area as does NASA RM.

TX and RM are next to each other...I'm trying to get a critical mass of AI/CMC/FFR (i.e. V8 power) together in the same area. We're all in the upper middle paddock.

We'll get it worked out and will talk to Dave & Shannon & the others.

-=- Todd

08-05-2008, 10:29 PM
Plans thus far:

Daron, Boyd Davis and I will be leaving Monday evening at the latest, will arrive in Ohio on Tuesday to set for practice on Wednesday.

We are looking for an enclosed trailer to borrow / rent for the trip (PM me if anyone is willing to help us out). To tow the enclosed trailer we plan to a) rent a motor home b) use Boyd's F350 van. If we go the van route, we'll definitley be looking for a trailer with A/C!

Todd, we're looking real hard at that motorhome option! I may have located a pretty sweet option that i'll call on tomorrow.

We are going to start tearing down the car this week for inspection and we'll start putting together spares. I don't know how much we can realistically share parts-wise, but it's worth coordinating.

08-05-2008, 11:20 PM
I'm going... Holly with be there again too... I'm working on getting Brooks to help me drive out from Austin while Holly flys in again.

The plan right now is to drive my truck and trailer. Sleep in the trailer or tent... probably the trailer.

I will be leaving on Sunday again... nothing like getting there early!!!


08-06-2008, 10:20 AM
If we go the van route, we'll definitley be looking for a trailer with A/C!

That's kind of funny. Your recent experience at TWS has your perspective a bit off. Experience has shown that you are more likely to need a heater rather than A/C for camping at Nationals...

Richard P.

08-06-2008, 11:16 AM
yep. last two years its been pretty dayum cold at night.

FYI - looks like the Camaro sold this morning.

Adam Ginsberg
08-06-2008, 11:41 AM
That's kind of funny. Your recent experience at TWS has your perspective a bit off. Experience has shown that you are more likely to need a heater rather than A/C for camping at Nationals....

If the weather trend that appeared for the last 2 years continues to track, Richard is spot on. At the '06 and '07 Nationals, the Saturday night prior to the Big Race was damn cold - high 20's/low 30's.

08-06-2008, 11:59 AM
That's kind of funny. Your recent experience at TWS has your perspective a bit off. Experience has shown that you are more likely to need a heater rather than A/C for camping at Nationals....

If the weather trend that appeared for the last 2 years continues to track, Richard is spot on. At the '06 and '07 Nationals, the Saturday night prior to the Big Race was damn cold - high 20's/low 30's.

If that does hold true, I might have to retune before then...I might have to add another 100lbs of ballast as this thing LOVES cold air!!! :oops:

Note to self...make room for a portable heater in the packing list! :lol:

Waco Racer
08-06-2008, 12:33 PM
FYI - looks like the Camaro sold this morning.

??? your racecar or your street beast?

08-06-2008, 12:39 PM
Street Car!

Todd Covini
08-06-2008, 02:08 PM
Street Car!

You're welcome. :wink:

08-06-2008, 02:14 PM
Tony isnt the buyer.

Al Fernandez
08-06-2008, 02:19 PM
Hey, congrats Glenn...so you'll be going then? :wink:

Todd Covini
08-06-2008, 02:19 PM
Then I respectfully take that back. :(

08-07-2008, 01:17 PM
If the weather trend that appeared for the last 2 years continues to track, Richard is spot on. At the '06 and '07 Nationals, the Saturday night prior to the Big Race was damn cold - high 20's/low 30's.

So what were you guys doing to keep the coolant water warm and from freezing?

08-07-2008, 01:31 PM
Cuddle up with the engine at night?

Also heard of people putting the 500watt halagen light under the car to try to keep a little heat in the block / radiator. I have not tried that myself.


08-07-2008, 01:34 PM
It wasn't THAT cold there in '06.

Todd Covini
08-07-2008, 01:36 PM
Oh brother...it's not that bigadeal.
Pop your rad cap and let it expand.
Overnite temps of 25-32 is not going to crack a block.
It's relatively short time at sub freezing temps...nothing freezes up solid.
May get a bit slushy.

(Many folks wander around at nite and pour keg beer in radiators...that helps too.)

08-07-2008, 03:16 PM
What a waste of perfectly good beer.

08-07-2008, 04:13 PM
Oh brother...it's not that bigadeal.
Pop your rad cap and let it expand.
Overnite temps of 25-32 is not going to crack a block.
It's relatively short time at sub freezing temps...nothing freezes up solid.
May get a bit slushy.

(Many folks wander around at nite and pour keg beer in radiators...that helps too.) good way to get shot

Tell that to Mixon when it was 30 and it cracked his block sitting in his garage. I will bring the 500w lamp as that is what I did this last winter in the garage.

if it were an old junkyard 302 I would probably say no biggie...but you know our $20k AI motors need a warm blanket at night so they feel loved! :roll: :lol:

08-07-2008, 05:10 PM
A lamp may be ok in a garage.
Outdoors a dipstick heater may be the ticket.

08-08-2008, 08:14 AM
A lamp may be ok in a garage.
Outdoors a dipstick heater may be the ticket.

That's for the car right?! ;)

Looks like a great idea but my dipstick has a couple of curves in it! I know that's a personal problem and I am seeing a professional about it...but that tube doesn't look flexible! :lol:

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Looks like I'll be there again, officiating. Hopefully I can have more free time this year so I can hand out with you guys. If not, look for me at the starter's stand for the AI/CMC race. I'll be the one waving the checkered! :D

Anyone want to split a hotel room? I've got a line on a place that's less than a mile from the track!

08-08-2008, 10:16 AM
The Buckhorn Inn?
If so, I'm interested.
Lemme know the price RK.

08-08-2008, 10:41 AM
The Buckhorn Inn?
If so, I'm interested.
Lemme know the price RK.
jbYep -- The Buckhorn. They may have a cancellation. If so, they'll let me know in the next couple of days.

Fair warning -- you may end up on an air matterss if the room that opens up only has one bed.

08-08-2008, 12:01 PM
I have a cot.

Todd Covini
08-08-2008, 01:14 PM
Then you can say that you've slept with the 2007 CMC Champion!!! :lol:

Man...Nats doesn't get any better than this.

08-08-2008, 02:16 PM
Oh Geez.
Keep that up and I'm going with Bev to Cabo.

08-20-2008, 07:48 AM
The Buckhorn Inn?
If so, I'm interested.
Lemme know the price RK.
jbYep -- The Buckhorn. They may have a cancellation. If so, they'll let me know in the next couple of days.

Fair warning -- you may end up on an air matterss if the room that opens up only has one bed.

any news from the Buckhorn?

08-20-2008, 07:40 PM
The Buckhorn Inn?
If so, I'm interested.
Lemme know the price RK.
jbYep -- The Buckhorn. They may have a cancellation. If so, they'll let me know in the next couple of days.

Fair warning -- you may end up on an air matterss if the room that opens up only has one bed.

any news from the Buckhorn?
jbSorry -- it fell through.

08-25-2008, 03:21 PM
Texas Competitors;
please see the track map here


for reference to my guide below.

3rd gear for most. Only one line. Too early and you'll get to the curbing too soon. Too late and you'll drop the right tires on corner exit. Outside to inside to outside. At speed its a very narrow track. If someone gets a run on you and they get a fender on you headed to the apex under braking, things are gonna be REAL narrow.
T2/3 Not used.

T4/5 Keyhole
Rise/drop headed to the apex. Anything wide is more off camber. Watch for the guy in front to get spooked and go inside.

T6 Kink
Just a kink in the straight (remember film of the Joey Hand incident?) If you get a run on someone out of T2, be ready to get pinched here if you try a pass on the right.

From the braking zone on track left to the left side of entrance to T8 is the line if you're fast and nail it. This can leave the inside open a bit. If you stay left you'll own the apex at T8.

T8 Madness
Off camber every where, power modulation.

T9/T10 quick right/left under bridge.

T10 Stay 4-8 feet from the curbing on this right hander. This will keep you from being able to reach edge of track left where you should be to start your turn in at T11.

T11 Proper placement at entrance and not being late on turn in is key in getting most of your rotation done prior to the rise just after apex. Might be off camber after this as well. There is run-off curbing out there but you AI guys have got to get turned before the rear of the car trys to step on you. Its a concrete canyon and losing it here will hurt.

Thunder Valley.

At the bridge you'll wanna be about in the center of the track.
As the track bends right you'll wanna head to the right side to brake for T12.

T12 Right side braking to left apex. You might want some of the curbing on the left.
Too early of a turn in and too late of a turn in can be critical here.

Reducing radius braking zone. Float a little left early. If you get too wide left under braking here getting to the right curbing can be tough. This is where you will wanna be to turn left at the entrance to T14.

You must get a lot of curb to the left in order to not run out of room on corner exit.

Pit straight.