View Full Version : Thank You OKC!

09-30-2008, 02:20 PM
just got back from the OKC "Reckless Driving" BS court date. i pleaded no contest. took my lumps and walked out the door thinking the Judge just fined me $1200 plus court costs. max fine is $1200 and/or 6 months in jail plus court costs. i thought she told me i was getting the max and $200 court costs. i walked out holding my ass in one hand and my mouth w/ the other. when i got to the clerks window to pay, i was informed it was a $200 fine w/ a $102 court cost fee. i couldnt handover that $302 fast enough. i got off light for something i should have never been charged w/ (Reckless Driving).
FYI guys - dont F up in OK. i was lucky. you may not get so lucky.

09-30-2008, 03:04 PM
That's good, glad to see you got a break.


09-30-2008, 03:08 PM
good news! do you care to elaborate how they came up with that charge? You were towing the trailer right?

Rob Liebbe
09-30-2008, 03:33 PM
302 fast

An attribution to the might Ford V8!! :wink:

You still got screwed, if I remember the story correctly.

09-30-2008, 03:44 PM
Good News Glenn...

Check this out... About two months ago I bought another used Jet Ski. It had been setting up for a couple of years so the gas was like jello.

Anyway, the second trip to the lake with it, I was still working out the problems and it started running like crap. So I headed to shore as fast as it would run...There is a really large no wake zone before shore, so I didn't want to have to paddle that dayum thing, so I flew to the edge....Killed it and glided close enough to shore I could jump off and touch bottom.

The moron game warden was about 1/2 a mile away with binoculars and came up after I had replace the fuel filter and gone back out for a test ride. I assumed he was stopping for the usual paper work and fire extinguisher check.... NOPE... the idiot gave me a ticket for going to fast in a no wake zone.

I was the only person on the friggin lake at the time.

Anyway... the fine was Max $500, but generally is a minimun of $150 fine.

I was so pissed... I spoke to the judge and explained the situation. He said that normally he can't just throw out the ticket, but that I could take an online Boaters Ed class.

The class was more difficult than I expected and it took me about 3 hours online to complete it....But it cost me a grand total of $13. WOOHOO

Lesson learned though.. there is NO excuse for exceeding idle speed in a no wake zone. :oops:

09-30-2008, 04:24 PM
it was never explained to me why tailgating, no turn signal and speeding (not all at the same time) is considered reckless driving. i basically told the Judge that i was stuck behind a driver doing 15 under the posted speed limit (60-15=45)in the left lane and the minimum speed was 40. i was unable to slow down and still maintain the minimum posted speed and i was just trying to keep my 16,000 lb load going as fast as possible so i could go around the slow driver once a spot opened up in the middle lane. w/ all the cars passing me, this was hard to do at 40-45mph w/ my load. i never got to the turn signal part or speeding. She reminded me i pleaded "no contest" and asked why i was acting as if i was innocent. i told her i was just explaining the situation so she would realize i didnt deserve the max penalty. i then told her i was at her mercy and would accept her ruling. she then reminded me of the max penalty and asked if i was willing to accept that. i said yes. 10 seconds later i was walking out.

that was my first time ever in a courtroom in defense of myself. it was strange being in there w/ folks pleading to drug possession, assault, DUI and theft. they made me feel normal.

09-30-2008, 04:49 PM
it was strange being in there w/ folks pleading to drug possession, assault, DUI and theft. they made me feel normal.

Glad you could walk away with something positive

Al Fernandez
10-01-2008, 07:45 AM
hahaha you had to go hang out with a bunch of drug dealers and felons to feel normal? :lol: Glad it wasnt as bad as it could've been, and nice job being humble in front of the judge.

10-01-2008, 08:36 AM
hahaha you had to go hang out with a bunch of drug dealers and felons to feel normal? :lol: Glad it wasnt as bad as it could've been, and nice job being humble in front of the judge.

i double dosed on the meds the day before. :wink:

10-01-2008, 09:05 AM
hahaha you had to go hang out with a bunch of drug dealers and felons to feel normal? :lol: Glad it wasnt as bad as it could've been, and nice job being humble in front of the judge.

i double dosed on the meds the day before. :wink:

Good thinking! We've seen you without the meds :shock: :D

10-01-2008, 03:29 PM
Glad it worked out for ya David!! (as well as all things considered) :D

Reminds me of a time back in the day (1997)....

Newberry County - South Carolina

Vehicle - 1988 Mustang (Red, Supercharged, dark windows and drag lites all the way around)

On the way back from Columbia with a co-worker (5' 1" blonde doing school work in the passenger seat). Come over a hill and see a state trooper pulled over but no lights on. Couldn't move over due to traffic.. so, I slowed down and moved a little towards the center.

Checked rearview mirror - trooper is in traffic and now in the fast lane gaining speed about 1/4 mile back. Checked mirrors again and he's about 300' back and coming up fast. I wasn't speeding (really) as I came up on him the first time.

Trooper flies by at over 100mph and he's gone. No emergency lights on either.

A couple miles down the road - coming over another hill. Trooper is parked on the shoulder (really close). Door swings open as I'm about 75yds from him. I move over to the left lane and wondering what the heck is going on. The door shuts and he takes off with all lights on now.

Co-worker asks "what's going on?". My reply - "no idea". Trooper pulls right up on me. #@$%

Window down - he walks up to the passenger side window!! He then checks out my co-worker (who is still working on a college paper) and asks for the usual stuff. Then informs me that it's a 6pt violation to change lanes without using an indicator. <under my breath.. you have got to be @#$% me>

He asks me to come back to the rear of my vehicle. About 30seconds later two more troopers show up and I'm surrounded. Yes, he actually writes me a ticket. I politely ask directions to the court house and if he could change the date to when I was going to be back down in Columbia in two weeks.

Fast forward - I show up at the court house ready to go at it due to the bogus ticket. The receptionist (bless the 60yr old woman) asked what I was there for and I told her. In a horrified look she said I might want to reconsider it and only look down when talking to the judge and to only say "I need help with this your honor" when he asks. She went on to say that if I still wanted to fight the ticket that I would be spending the night there and possibly longer.

With head bowed - I asked the judge for help to keep the ticket off my clean record, so with a whack of the gavel.. I was back the cashier. I paid the $300 (could have been over $1,000) court cost and the ticket never showed up on my record.

Be really careful if you are in Newberry County.....

I have another true story just as bad from the same County that happened two months later if you all are interested...

Rob Liebbe
10-01-2008, 03:45 PM
Let's hear it Eric.

10-01-2008, 03:58 PM
I was driving a rental car Ford Escort in Lubbock, TX. Driving on the highway with the cruise set at 73. Got pulled over by a trooper and got a ticket for 77 in a 70. I honestly was only going 73.

Took defensive driving, not on my record. I know, not very exciting.

10-01-2008, 05:09 PM
I was driving a rental car Ford Escort in Lubbock, TX. Driving on the highway with the cruise set at 73. Got pulled over by a trooper and got a ticket for 77 in a 70. I honestly was only going 73.

Took defensive driving, not on my record. I know, not very exciting.

Damn do I have a story for you all...not gonna put it on the web though, so remind me at ECR.
Key highlights though: first date with my now wife of 21 years, Canadian student in Ohio jail, no ID or money. Feel free to connect the dots until next weekend if you want to entertain yourselves ;)

10-01-2008, 06:55 PM
My personal best is a 115 in a 55. The judge said holy shit when she looked at the ticket.

10-01-2008, 08:07 PM
When I was 10, I worked at my mom's restaraunt on Sat/Sun mornings. I commuted on my 3hp Briggs mini-bike.

One day, the local sheriff pulled me over. No license, no registration, no helmet, but I did have an attitude. I know ... hard to imagine ...

I got a few tickets ...

My mom discussed this with the judge while he was drinking coffee at the restaurant one day and it magically disappeared.

And each time the sheriff and deputies saw me, we gave each other a friendly wave.

10-01-2008, 08:16 PM
My personal best is a 115 in a 55. The judge said holy shit when she looked at the ticket.

I got one at 143 in a 55.

$3300 and a night in the hole. Hood County. Tx.


One nite me and Bev (before we were married) rolled thru a stop sign in my little turbo crx. I saw the cop and split B4 he could make a U turn.
The poor bastard never had a chance. I new the area really well and diversionary tacticts were successful. Pretty good rush.

10-01-2008, 08:33 PM
I saw the cop and split B4 he could make a U turn.
The poor bastard never had a chance. I new the area really well and diversionary tacticts were successful. Pretty good rush.

Was a punk teenager at the time, driving the 69 Camaro. Blew past the sheriff at about 60 on the 30mph shell/limestone road. Couple quick turns on some more dirt roads and the long way home... 8)

20+ years later, same Camaro, giving the new pastor and a couple buddies a "demo" ride. Saw the light bar in the rear view mirror and let the local po-po roll by... they just nodded at us 4 old guys and kept rolling.

10-01-2008, 11:53 PM
My personal best is a 115 in a 55. The judge said holy shit when she looked at the ticket.
My best is 100 in a 40, but I got out of that ticket. :D

David Love AI27
10-02-2008, 02:32 AM
How about 85 in a 45, running a stop sign, passing in a no passing zone and fleeing the police... ALL within 1/4 mile... DON'T PASS A CONSTABLE GOING THROUGH A STOP SIGN AT 85.... whole lot more to the story, including getting all my liquor back (at 17) because they thought all the other charges would stick and a 2.5 mile cross country event the next morning... and more!!! ooohhh the innocence of youth...

this will really piss you off... no radar, couldn't verify speed, dismissed; the original fleeing was from a subdivision security officer with flashers on, not the police, dismissed... fined for running stop sign with a maximum fine of $50.00 and passing in a no passing zone, also with the max. of $50.00...

Al Fernandez
10-02-2008, 06:09 AM
Now this is a thread that merits 10 pages!

My dad lives in Spain. On the same day we both got pulled over going 115 on our respective freeways (65 limit for me, 70something for him). Neither one of us got a ticket.

Back in the day, I was driving like hell to get to a liquor store, on a first date. No liquor sales past 8pm in Connecticut. Its five 'till. I blow a light and the lights come on. The cop tells me how surprised he is that anyone would run a light with a cop car behind them (I had no clue, focused on goings on out front!). I explain that its our first date and I'm trying to get her home before her mom's imposed curfew. The guy nods and smiles, tells me it must be pretty embarrasing to get pulled over with a girl in the car, and lets me go. Didnt make it to the store in time.

Back in the day still I'm driving a friend home in my dad's Mercedes E300, a serious sport sedan in its day IMHO. This guy is a real hot rodder and has no respect for German engineering. I back out of his driveway and do a massive brake stand burnout right in front of his house. I'm down the street admiring my huge smoke cloud when a cap car comes sailing through it, lights on. I have a case of beer in the back seat. I'm 17. Left right left right long way home and three hours to get my heart rate back down. The beer helped.

Rob Liebbe
10-02-2008, 08:27 AM
Pulled over in Coppel - for tailgating a cop.

Almost arrested in Coppel for dragging a lawnmower behind a truck.

Detained at DFW for being in a restricted area. Released to my mom at 1am and had to show back up the next day to discuss it with the DFW police chief. My buddy showed up to that wearing a Moosehead beer t-shirt with the sleeves cut off - classy.

My dad would always say "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at what you did." That confused me as a teenager.

This sounds like a good topic of conversation Saturday night at EC. The lawnmower story can only be properly told in person.

10-02-2008, 08:45 AM
i don't know guys....... its hard to compare to getting a reckless driving ticket w/a 16,000 lb rig. and i did it in redneck hell to top it off. you guys underestimate how hard one has to drive for this to happen. :wink:

speaking of ECR.... plans for a party Sat night?

10-02-2008, 08:51 AM
Lets get Wirtz shit faced.


10-02-2008, 08:56 AM
i don't know guys....... its hard to compare to getting a reckless driving ticket w/a 16,000 lb rig. and i did it in redneck hell to top it off. you guys underestimate how hard one has to drive for this to happen. :wink:

speaking of ECR.... plans for a party Sat night?

What about the DVD we were supposed to get at Hallett?


10-02-2008, 08:58 AM
Lets get Wirtz shit faced.


And JB and GL and JP, and RL, and MM. Then maybe Team Jordan can get a podium on Sunday.


10-02-2008, 09:22 AM
I have way too many stories...growing up in a small town has advantage and disadvantages when it comes to the law.

I have gotten away with a lot....but I have also been harrassed for nothing.

My worst ticket though came in the Dallas area.....95 in a 55 when 635 was 55mph limit. I was in my Triumph Tr7 that has a Ford 2.8 V6.

Luckily I slowed to that as I was coming over a hill. :shock:

10-02-2008, 09:36 AM
i don't know guys....... its hard to compare to getting a reckless driving ticket w/a 16,000 lb rig. and i did it in redneck hell to top it off. you guys underestimate how hard one has to drive for this to happen. :wink:

speaking of ECR.... plans for a party Sat night?

What about the DVD we were supposed to get at Hallett?


i know nothing of his. i paid my money just like you. sorry.

10-02-2008, 09:44 AM
Pulled over in Coppel - for tailgating a cop.

Almost arrested in Coppel for dragging a lawnmower behind a truck.

I gotta ask but I bet it will be more entertaining if we wait till ECR.

I'd also like to see Wirtz shit-faced! :D

10-02-2008, 09:47 AM
95 mph powerslide off Harvey onto TX Ave in the 96 Z28 with 4 in. heeled boots on, a case of beer in the back seat, and my best friend in the passenger seat screaming her head off. Turns out a cop witnessed it. When he asked if I knew why he had pulled me over, I told him I had a vague idea. Only time I've ever been DUI tested. I passed. No ticket or warning given and he was very nice. Best friend says the boots and the second skin jeans saved my ass. Sometimes it's good to be a chick. 8)

Also used to live in Keller. All the speed limits around my house were 25mph. Cops used to just shake their heads and wave when I went by in the SS. It's also good to be an attorney's wife. :wink:

10-02-2008, 10:16 AM
i don't know guys....... its hard to compare to getting a reckless driving ticket w/a 16,000 lb rig. and i did it in redneck hell to top it off. you guys underestimate how hard one has to drive for this to happen. :wink:

speaking of ECR.... plans for a party Sat night?

What about the DVD we were supposed to get at Hallett?


i know nothing of his. i paid my money just like you. sorry.


It was just a question. It was not directed to you. I don't know who to ask......DD?


10-02-2008, 10:18 AM
whodid you pay the money too?

10-02-2008, 10:20 AM
I can't take credit for this one.
I knew a guy in highschool who got pulled over by a trooper on the Dallas tollway for 120 in a 60. The trooper walked up to the window and said "son, I've been waiting for your kind all day" and Robby replied with "well I got here as fast as I could".
Supposidly he sat there with a blank look on his face and then the trooper busted out laughing, no ticket.

He also got arrested during math class his senior year for attempted vehicular manslaughter. He was driving to school on morning when a guy yelled at him for driving too fast through the neighborhood. Robby did a u-turn and was driving back towards him w/ the guy standing in the middle of the street. The guy didn't move and neither did Robby and he clipped the guys leg w/ his side-mirror breaking his leg. Robby continued to school and got arrested soon later.

Drag racing at Texas Motorplex one Friday night and Robby was there. He was about 4 cars in front of me and he told me to watch his run b/c he was "going to do something cool when hitting 2nd gear". He hit 2nd and cut the wheel getting the car completely sideways on the dragstrip. They all got pissed at him and he explained he miss-judged the power during his shift. It was a 3rd gen 305 Firebird. :)

Last Robby story:
Driving by my folks neighborhood there is a 30 mph s-turn in one of the roads. Robby drives through at about 60 drifting the whole way through the right and then left hander. As he straightens out there is a cop driving right at him and pulls him over. Officer is extremely upset and yelling at his poor driving judgement. The officer has had enough and says "you could have killed someone, do you know how many kids live in this neighborhood?" Robby's reply, "NO, how many?" Officer is furious, Robby gets multiple tickets.

Last I heard of Robby he was living up in Michigan working for some small auto manufacturer designing transmissions for Jaguar.

10-02-2008, 11:17 AM
Almost arrested in Coppel for dragging a lawnmower behind a truck.

Winner! What, guy was a John Deer fan and all you had was a Snapper?

Would love to have seen that from a cop car camera.

10-02-2008, 12:18 PM
I got a decent one from college...

Was over in Austin for a Sailing Team event at lake Travis but we went over and partied downtown on Friday night. Went to a bar, might have been on 6th street but was doing flaming Dr. Peppers for hours. We had 9 people with us in two trucks, 3 passed out and had to be carried out, the other 5 were bombed zombies and right before we left the bar, I blew a .40 on a breathalizer at the bar....so I was DD. So at this intersection right near the capital, I decided to do a big wooly burn out (94 dakota V8) with two passed out drunks in the bed of the truck, a tapped keg in the bed and two guys in the cab. The other group was right behind me at the light. Well, about 45 seconds into this elaborate smoke show, I see blue and red smoke, and that is about it as you can't see ANYTHING, even people on the sidewalks in the entire intersection. So I signal, make a right turn, park the truck about 150' past the intersection, shut the truck off and start getting my stuff ready to go to jail peacefully, our friends in the truck behind us pull in because they didn't know how to get to the place we were staying. Well, 25 minutes later the cops walk up to the door of the truck and he asks "what the hell were you thinking?" I looked him as straight in the eye as I could and told him, "officer, I was suffering from a case of H.U.A." I got a "what?".... "Head up my Ass sir!" He asked for my license and insurance, walked back to his car and came back about 2 minutes later. He asked what I did for a living and I told him I was a Student at A&M in town for a race at Lake Travis on Saturday and wanted to leave austin as soon as possible. He handed me my license and said get the hell out of here. Whoop!!! The sorry part of the story is that the girl driving behind me was only 19, got arrested for DUI, MIP and went to jail and missed the regatta on Saturday.

The funniest part of the story is the two dead drunks in the bed of the truck NEVER fucking moved until we drug them out of the truck when we got to the house in far N. Austin.

One of the Craziest nights I ever had in college and one of the stupidest really!

10-02-2008, 01:03 PM
Lets get Wirtz shit faced.


Heck, end of the year, why not!?! Someone pass me one of those Keylight Stones :lol:

Anyone gonna have some trailer / RV space? I will not have the pit crew this weekend and would rather hang with the guys at the track that enjoy my cake alone at a hotel.


10-02-2008, 01:06 PM
Dang!! You guys have some great stories to share!

I always feel like the victim but then again.. I've gotten away with tons more than I've been caught doing. :D

<<<<Same County - Newberry>>>
Stopped on the way out of Columbia at my usual gas station. Pumping gas for about a minute when a state trooper flies up and skids in front of my car.

"License and registration now!!".

For what?

"Doing 73 in a 65"

When? and which direction was I going?

"You want to argue with me?" "We can do this the easy way or the hard way" "Finish filling up and come get your ticket when you are done" <he backs up into a parking spot away from the other cars>

So, I put the pump on auto (slowest setting) fill. Took about 10min and could tell the trooper was starting to get really pissed off. I knew I wasn't speeding and when he wasn't going to tell me which way I was traveling, but either way.. going to get a ticket.

I went inside and browsed the whole store <very small.. what a shame>.

Finished paying and went to get my Newberry token of appreciation.

73 in a 65 Southbound. Even though I knew I could fight it since I was going northbound at the time. It would be the same hooded judge in the same office as before. I did show up to pay so that it wouldn't go on my record.

Lesson learned... never ever drive a "modified" car through Newberry County.... EVER!


BTW.. I was pulled over later that trip 1 mile before leaving South Carolina to North Carolina for doing 68 in a 65. This time the trooper was up-front and honest. He wanted to pull me over to check out the car and of course to see if I was transporting drugs. No ticket.

10-02-2008, 03:37 PM
Lets get Wirtz shit faced.


Heck, end of the year, why not!?! Someone pass me one of those Keylight Stones :lol:

Anyone gonna have some trailer / RV space? I will not have the pit crew this weekend and would rather hang with the guys at the track that enjoy my cake alone at a hotel.

Jeff, I'll bring plenty of Stones for you, Proctor, and anyone else interested. :lol:

10-02-2008, 04:03 PM
Lets get Wirtz shit faced.


Heck, end of the year, why not!?! Someone pass me one of those Keylight Stones :lol:

Anyone gonna have some trailer / RV space? I will not have the pit crew this weekend and would rather hang with the guys at the track that enjoy my cake alone at a hotel.

Jeff, I'll bring plenty of Stones for you, Proctor, and anyone else interested. :lol:

Sweet ... I got the Bailey's Irish Creme ... someone bring a coffee pot?


10-02-2008, 04:14 PM
Irish Car Bombs!

10-02-2008, 04:27 PM
I blew a .40 on a breathalizer at the bar....so I was DD.

Damn, you were still standing with a BAC .40? Were the others dead?

10-02-2008, 09:25 PM
Just read all ya'lls stories and figured I'd throw one in.

Coming home from SFA (Nacogdoches) I got stopped by a state trooper in my 95 Z28 doing 145 in a 70. I just new that I was going to jail! Trooper comes to the window with a Marine corps pin on his hat, GREAT!!! He asks me who the fireman was ???? :shock: I then remembered I had one of my dad's Houston Fire Department stickers on the back window. I told him my dad was and had been with HFD a long time (thinking it might help, it had before!) Asked me if my dad knew I drove that fast :shock: I told him no and I'd like to keep it that way. He gave me two choices...go to jail....or give him my dad's number :oops: I told him I'd rather go to jail but gave him the number anyway...........I drove my mother's 92 Corsica for the rest of the semester :cry:

By the way my mother had a great time in my camaro ( Dad said she loved the T-tops :evil: )

David Love AI27
10-02-2008, 10:34 PM
Sweet ... I got the Bailey's Irish Creme ... someone bring a coffee pot?


I will bring noisy generator and coffee maker... oh and advil for JB....

10-02-2008, 11:54 PM
Sweet ... I got the Bailey's Irish Creme ... someone bring a coffee pot?


I will bring noisy generator and coffee maker... oh and advil for JB....
David, bring some advil for me as well. :)

David Love AI27
10-03-2008, 12:30 AM
Sweet ... I got the Bailey's Irish Creme ... someone bring a coffee pot?


I will bring noisy generator and coffee maker... oh and advil for JB....
David, bring some advil for me as well. :)

How about 100 count of Walgreens Ibuprofen???... sounds like we might need it... Jason is the only one too young to drink... he is gonna kick butt on Sunday... lol

I can bring a chest freezer full of ice $2.00/8lb bag... I know it is high but I can't do it for free... How many bags??

Still planning on hot shower stall but need some financial support.. 20 people at $10.00 each and I can provide two bags of ice and hot shower... this will cover costs, cant afford to do it for free with present situation...

10-03-2008, 06:41 AM
dont do all that David. just get yourself here.

10-03-2008, 10:56 AM
I blew a .40 on a breathalizer at the bar....so I was DD.

Damn, you were still standing with a BAC .40? Were the others dead?

Standing? Hell, I carried two dead drunks out on my shoulder!

Funny thing is that when the others blew on the test, the numbers slowly rose from 0.00, nice and slowly up to .25 and one guy was at .32.

I blew on it and it Instantaneously went to .40... I was shocked as were the 30 or so people watching!

I have been drinking like this for years so I am sure my liver is pretty well fubar'd... :oops:

10-03-2008, 11:01 AM
Legally drunk is 0.01, you were driving while 0.4?

10-03-2008, 12:08 PM
Legally drunk is 0.01, you were driving while 0.4?

I bet it was .04 not .4. Four times the limit. I think .4 is dead isn't it?


10-03-2008, 12:28 PM
Legally drunk is 0.01, you were driving while 0.4?
.08 is legally under the influence, used to be .10 and who really knows if the machine was accurate/calibrated. It was more of a novelty at the bar and was just what it said.

As for driving drunk....like I said, it was college and stupid. Honestly, .28 is not uncommon and not hard to get to regularly. .4 is incredibly drunk and on the verge of alchohol poisoning. Supposedly, 4 beers in an hour will put the average 150lb person at .08...Considering the binge drinking in college of a case a beer a night, I could see that number being pretty close... :oops: