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View Full Version : BFT on 3

Todd Covini
03-20-2009, 02:46 PM
I wanted to publicly thank Glenn for bringing back/keeping/continuing our "BFT on 3" tradition.

For those who don't know, years ago we started a Texas AI/CMC V8 trend whereas whenever the grid marshall held up 3 fingers to tell everyone on grid that there were 3 minutes until heading out on track, the AI/CMC racers would all conduct a "ButterFly Test" (BFT) by all revving their engines simultaneously.

The BFT serves 3 purposes:
1) Test your engine's butterflys, throttle bodies, secondarys, etc...to ensure everything's A-OK throughout the RPM range, the engine's running fine and you're ready to go.

2) Get rid of those stomach butterflys that begin to start fluttering when sitting on grid for too long. Shake off the cobwebs and take a dose of adrenaline before heading out.

3) (Most importantly) Let EVERYONE, and I do mean everyone, in the surrounding areas (and towns) know that the big, bad American V8's are getting ready to go out on track.

Last weekend, BFT on 3 was a little weak on Saturday morning and Glenn reminded everyone by popping his motor of the limiter a few times. The result was a very loud V8 rumble by 20+ cars which made everyone laugh...and brought the crowds down by registration over to the fence. They knew Texas AI/CMC was out on track next! :lol:

Corn, Clifton, Adrian & many others remembered BFT on 3 with an adrenaline smile. Thanks for keeping the tradition alive!!!