View Full Version : Team SafeRacer Sponsorships Available

Todd Covini
03-20-2009, 04:12 PM
From Saferacer.com...

Team SafeRacer Sponsorships

Would you like to be a Sponsored Team SafeRacer Driver?
Maybe even get featured in an upcoming magazine ad.
Or possibly be prominently displayed on our website.

It's now possible.

We are pleased to announce our expanded Team SafeRacer
Factory Driver program.
We'll be selecting drivers from across the wide spectrum
of our customers - dirt, asphalt, drag, road racing, auto-x -
to receive free goodies and special deep discounts.

OK, How do I become a Team SR Factory Driver?
It's pretty simple, alright it's not too hard.

You'll need to write a short summary of your experience,
what your racing plans are for 2009, include a picture of
your race car and be willing to include a link to SafeRacer
on your racing website, blog or FaceBook page once you
are accepted. After accepted, we will send you new SafeRacer
decals for your car and we will want new pictures at that time.

If you don't have a blog or need help getting started, here are
a couple of places that offer free or reasonable rates.


What if I'm not a track or local champ?
That's not what we're looking for, we want to partner with some
hard working, hard core, people who love to race and who can
represent SafeRacer in a professional, stand-up manner.

Of course there will be other legal mumbo included if you are
accepted. So send your stuff to info@saferacer.com and we'll be
getting back in touch with you if you are accepted.

Thanks as always for being the best customers that a group of
racers could ever want to be associated with.

Your Friends at SafeRacer