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04-03-2009, 08:14 PM

"...new line up of merchandise for two of their hottest classes..."
Guantlet thrown or does anyone care that import classes are being promoted over domestic?

04-04-2009, 11:07 AM
What? 31 views and no comments...tire-gate has to have worn out by now :?: ...on to bigger and better topics. :!:
MFW where are you when I need you!! :twisted:

So there was a post recently on the National forum around the tire issue where someone posted that "AI is nearly dead".
What say you...should I be putting my stock brakes back on the car, buying back my 17" rims and removing the wing?

04-04-2009, 02:04 PM
TX just has their priorities in order where real men (and women) race American V8's!!
We don't need no stinkin 944's and BMW's!! :twisted:

04-04-2009, 09:33 PM
MFW where are you when I need you!! :twisted:

Yes...AI is dying quickly as it seems. Not many people around to build $100k mustangs and camaros. :lol:

Car counts are down 40-50% nationwide and this whole tire debacle won't help...speaking of which....leared a lot about Miatas on R888's today. Seems a 2300lb miata can destroy an R888 in about an hour and a half of track time. :shock: After an hour long discussion, it appears the 15" tires are constructed much differently than the 17's...also, a miata on r888's required no chassis mods to get within .1 of an RA1... funny how that doesn't really work on our cars?! :?

04-04-2009, 10:13 PM
Man I took the absolute longest (read:priciest) way around building an AI car and while it's not competitive yet its just a matter of weight and a few cuts/slices (but it is WAAAAAYYY fun to drive). If I was to do it all over I could do it for way under $15k.
Now the $5k CMC car is pretty attractive which is what we are looking at for our second racecar.

So there seems to be fairly consistent evidence that the 888 is NOT as durable as the RA1. This is interesting about the lighter, smaller cars.

Seems the 888 can get close to RA1 performance and from my reading there is mixed results regarding fall-off, or not.

Damn,,,you sucked me into the tire-gate in my own thread intended to distract from it....

Well, I'll see what the rest of the year reveals....