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View Full Version : toyo bucks....

04-28-2009, 10:12 PM
As soon as we get the event 3 results officially posted, I am sending in my toyo bucks requests but I am going to take bids on $190 worth of Toyo bucks with bids starting at $140...

They should all have a good date of 90 days from May 30th or so when they arrive.

04-29-2009, 07:10 AM
I have a $175.00 Toyo check right now. Since I am not going to need tires before this expires (I just got it last week) I need to sell mine also. If you need tires prior to Matt getting his in please contact me. $135.00 gets mine. Sorry to get in on your thread Matt but mine will almost be expired when yours comes in. I think mine has to be used by 6-30-09.