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08-02-2009, 10:24 PM
it wasnt the weather that made it so hot, it was the action!

there were many, many CMC/CMC-2 cars below the 2:00 mark. in fact, we saw a few 1:57's.

and AI was not to be out done. Darron Cooke ripped out a 1:52! :shock:

and many thanks to Matt and Frank for the smoke shows (really just Frank). mod motors hold a shitload of oil!!!!!!!!

08-03-2009, 07:56 AM
you guys alive?

08-03-2009, 07:57 AM
It was pretty hot off the track Saturday, but we were reallly lucky temp wise this weeekend.

I had a blast as usual and especially the really hard close racing with Mitch in R4. :D

08-03-2009, 07:59 AM
It was pretty hot off the track Saturday, but we were reallly lucky temp wise this weeekend.

I had a blast as usual and especially the really hard close racing with Mitch in R4. :D

Seems like we went 3 laps side by side ...

08-03-2009, 08:59 AM
It was a late night. We drug ass at the track and didn't leave until around 7:00, stopped for dinner, got the cars dropped off and back to the house around 1:00 AM. Woke up at 5:30 to take Jeremy to the airport.
Today is already a rough day at work.

On a good note, the racing was amazing this weekend!!! There was some incredible video taken during the event, and after.

Rob Liebbe
08-03-2009, 09:14 AM
Yeah, we're still alive, but not as early as Glenn evidently.

I've decided that having a mechanical breakdown while leading the race is not the way to end an otherwise good weekend. Thanks to the mighty Group 4 for a great weekend.

I'll get videos posted soon - I hope. I took video of the last half of Race 3 from corner station six - I owe those guy a bunji cord - and shot Race 4 from the top of the grandstand including the grid, start, finish and more.

08-03-2009, 09:16 AM
Seems like we went 3 laps side by side ...

It sure felt like that at least.

08-03-2009, 09:36 AM
i am only up cause i have to be. finals week.

08-03-2009, 09:40 AM
it wasnt the weather that made it so hot, it was the action!

there were many, many CMC/CMC-2 cars below the 2:00 mark. in fact, we saw a few 1:57's.

and AI was not to be out done. Darron Cooke ripped out a 1:52! :shock:

and many thanks to Matt and Frank for the smoke shows (really just Frank). mod motors hold a shitload of oil!!!!!!!!

9.5 Quarts baby!!! Only thing that spared keeping mine alive as I think it had about 2 quarts left in it. I apologize for the mess and loss of usable practice time but this is racing and shit happens.

I got done unloading everything but the car around 1am and nearly fell on the floor asleep in from the garage, Just unloaded the car just a minute ago so I didn't wake up the neighbors last night. Ended up taking a 1/2 day vacation this morning to try and recover as I am like the walking dead.

Michael...be sure to get me that "after event" video!!! ;) Bud Sharp is going to see how it's done!!! 8)

Adam Ginsberg
08-03-2009, 09:52 AM
Sorry to hear of the trouble, Matt, but did you save the engine?

08-03-2009, 10:05 AM
Glad 2 here everyone made it home safe.
I got home @ 8.
I got a call/vm from boss on way home wanting me in @ 330am because someone called in sick and there are several out on vaca.
I didn't call him till 8 saying I had just left CS.

I'm pretty wasted.


08-03-2009, 10:15 AM
Sorry to hear of the trouble, Matt, but did you save the engine?

Seems to be fine. ALL of the aero on the car however is NOT. trashed a lot of stuff but the diffuser got recycled to repair Dave Francis' passenger door so it will live on for a while!! :lol:

Overall salvaged what started as a crappy weekend. ran 3 races all hobbled up and still managed a 2nd and two thirds.... Not too shabby and I had a blast battling Daron in Race 1 and Race 3. By race 4, the old tires I was trying to get rid of just gave up the ghost and couldn't hold off Daron and Mike while leading race 4. I ended up just horsing around putting on a drift show trying to destroy the rear RA1's....and failed. Gave it second try after everyone left and STILL failed....how do you f'n kill an RA1?!! :oops: :lol:

08-03-2009, 11:47 AM
Matt - it was pretty nice seeing your "never die" attitude when the car was trashed early sat. i was expecting you to load up and go home.
good job by all who helped you out.

08-03-2009, 11:57 AM
By far the best weekend I've had with this group! I think I may have not only killed the rear end, but the trans is bleeding profusely as well. Hope the case isn't cracked... I rode the ole gal into the ground this weekend and she held up admirably... even on failing parts.

Thanks to the guys (and girl) in the back for making it a fun weekend! BTW, y'all need to watch out for Sam C., if not for an overheating car he would have had a win on his first race weekend as a rookie.

08-03-2009, 12:10 PM
ALL of the aero on the car however is NOT. trashed a lot of stuff but the diffuser got recycled to repair Dave Francis' passenger door so it will live on for a while!! :lol:

I need to put an MWF for Prez sticker on the recycled inner door support; the problem now is that the passenger door is faster than the rest of the car. Props to Glenn, Frank and Matt for advice, parts and especially the electric shear for getting the door fixed up.

And thanks to the Gary's for for patching up the other end of the door deal.

David Love AI27
08-03-2009, 12:51 PM
The BEST weekend I've had by far... 3 months of personal hell and 1 weekend of cure... I put in 1 quart of oil and switched out the fronts for R4... that was it!!! Thanks Gary R. for pointing out the brake lights (funny story), I forgot to check them and remembered on grid, Todd swithed some fuses around for me, Thanks Todd...

on a more personal note, I am proud to call Sam a friend. He is an awsome driver he works hard on both his car and his skills. He and his lovely newlywed wife Darcie are going to be an asset to our series. Darcie and my son, Jason, have similar attitudes about racing and I hope she gets her comp license soon. Look for Sam at the top of the podium and I put all my money on this great young man to be on the poduim at Nationals within two years if not sooner. Best of luck to my dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Crumpacker.

08-03-2009, 12:57 PM
Matt - it was pretty nice seeing your "never die" attitude when the car was trashed early sat. i was expecting you to load up and go home.
good job by all who helped you out.

When I first got out of the car and saw the carnage...I was already thinking of how to get it on the trailer. My heart was sort of sunk. After I got it back to pits and started pulling pieces off, things didn't look to bad and thankfully, the way I built everything to "tear away" worked so there is zero structural damage. It's all cosmetic. When we got the oil back in it and fired it up and it was good to go there was no way I was going to miss race 1.

I must say, I sort of surprised myself at the way I handled the whole thing. I was way more calm about it than I thought and a couple of folks made the same comment later in the day.

I want to thank Frank for all the help and the oil filter, Misti, Jeremy, Jeremiah and his Dad who kept sweeping the pits for me as I got it REALLY dirty!, one of Daron's helpers was a big help getting the diffuser off and it turns out he was the guy who I towed his wife's broken down Miata home from Cresson for them a few months back so that was cool, the Miata guys who loaned me the air saw to cut away the nose and everyone else who either helped clean up something, grab a part or tool to get the car back on track.

Had it not been for you guys, I wouldn't have had 1% of the fun I had on track all weekend!


Adam Ginsberg
08-03-2009, 01:04 PM
Who are you, and what did you do with the real Matt White? ;)

Waco Racer
08-03-2009, 01:31 PM
I think I may have not only killed the rear end, but the trans is bleeding profusely as well. Hope the case isn't cracked... I rode the ole gal into the ground this weekend and she held up admirably... even on failing parts.

I could say the same about you!

08-03-2009, 01:35 PM
Who are you, and what did you do with the real Matt White? ;)

If Micheal finds the time to get me the video we took....you will see it's the same me! ;)

Just beware fuckers....it's coming back faster and meaner! I am going to do my best to have it ready for Utah and am not throwing in the towel till I know I just can't make it. I got till September 1st so the thrash for parts and a job are on!!! :twisted:

David Love AI27
08-03-2009, 01:43 PM
I think I may have not only killed the rear end, but the trans is bleeding profusely as well. Hope the case isn't cracked... I rode the ole gal into the ground this weekend and she held up admirably... even on failing parts.

I could say the same about you!

Hope your comment had nothing to do with "killed the rear end" or "bleeding profusely" or even "rode.. into the ground"...

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

08-03-2009, 01:43 PM
I think I may have not only killed the rear end, but the trans is bleeding profusely as well. Hope the case isn't cracked... I rode the ole gal into the ground this weekend and she held up admirably... even on failing parts.

I could say the same about you!

I wasn't quite as terminal as the trans thanks to you guys! I appreciate the help that was in abundance. I recovered nicely due to the attention I received. Hopefully I will avoid needing quite so much in the future (takes another swig of water). :wink:

08-03-2009, 01:48 PM
I had a great weekend, it was good to be back at the track with everyone.

I thought there was some really good heads up driving all throughout the weekend. From my point of view, there were many times where battles in CMC and CMC2 crossed paths. That always makes a tough situation to do everything just right, but I thought things worked out very well and I hope the other drivers feel the same.

Also nice work by all in the beginning of R4. Pretty much all I saw were the hands waving others off, and I really think that helped get folks slowed up in time to help keep that from becoming a much worse deal. It seemed like everyone really had their heads up when we needed it.

Thanks to all the workers for putting up with the heat of the weekend. That had to be brutal out on station or on grid or where ever they were needed.

Hopefully in a few days I can get some editied video up. There was alot of great racing action out there.


David Love AI27
08-03-2009, 01:52 PM
Who are you, and what did you do with the real Matt White? ;)

Just beware fuckers....it's coming back faster and meaner! :twisted:

See... there he is... back on the campaign trail... MFW for President... "full of bullshit till 2012"... oh wait thats not what is says...

08-03-2009, 03:57 PM
Well first off, I would like to apologize for the cluster in race 4. If it wasn't for the skill and experience of the group something really bad could have easily happened. Thank you all for that.
I broke a rule that I usually abide by and that is to take it easy on the last event of the weekend. I broke a little late into 3 and put 2 off on track-out. I was straight and working back onto the track when the splitter caught something and ejected. In the process it broke the oil pressure gauge fitting off the adapter and shot oil on the header. I was immediately blinded by smoke and my only thought was to find the edge of the track and get off and out of the way without hitting the corner worker station. It seemed like forever before I found the edge and got off into the grass. My smoke was clearing. I felt the car was in a realatively safe spot. I was unbuckled holding the fire pull and watching to see that everyone got through what seemed like an ungodly amount of smoke still sitting on the track. A corner worker arrived and ask me to get out of the car. At the same time rescue arrived and put out the grass fire that had started under the car. I hopped in their truck and watched the rest of the race. After we determined that there was no additional oil leaking, they towed me in.
I must say that I felt very safe the whole time. The corner worker and rescue were on me very quickly and did a great job. Misty, thank those guys again for me.
Other than that, it was another excellent weekend. Hopefully the motors ok and I'll be looking forward to EC. FMR

Al Fernandez
08-03-2009, 04:04 PM
You'd think by now some of us would be less amazed by how awesome these weekends are...but somehow they just all end up being more awesome than the last.

Thanks to Mitch for the tire! Jeremy, congrats on the win!!! Sam, welcome aboard. Robert, welcome back home.

There was an exemplary amount of heads up driving this weekend. From the smoke screen, to being courtious about the emergency vehicles, to respecting out of class races, the driving was just outstanding. I know several drivers that commented on not taking advantage of the incident in 1 to make a pass into 15, and I applaud that kind of thinking. After all, we all want to beat the other guy, but unless its on even terms its pretty hollow.

I dont know how to describe the quality of the racing...its just incredible out there, everywhere I look.

08-03-2009, 04:14 PM
Thanks Al.

Good luck to those attending Nationals.

My car is retired, see y'all at ECR as an offical.

Al Fernandez
08-03-2009, 04:43 PM

David Love AI27
08-03-2009, 06:03 PM
Thanks Al.

Good luck to those attending Nationals.

My car is retired, see y'all at ECR as an offical.

Nevermind!! its NMFB...

08-03-2009, 06:58 PM
I could have used this setup while waiting on grid for Group 7 to get towed in.


David Love AI27
08-03-2009, 07:07 PM
I could have used this setup while waiting on grid for Group 7 to get towed in.


Taking note: Idea for the bus...

ooops wrong thread

08-03-2009, 07:48 PM
Thanks to Mitch for the tire!

You are welcome ... but it ain't Christmas ...

08-03-2009, 07:53 PM
I could have used this setup while waiting on grid for Group 7 to get towed in.


This trumps the photo of my engineering.


08-03-2009, 07:56 PM
The generator and AC unit double ... maybe triple the overall value.

Al Fernandez
08-03-2009, 08:26 PM
DUH! I remember...THANKS MIKE for the jug of fuel right when I needed it most :D

08-03-2009, 08:29 PM
Mike ... we need to talk ...

08-03-2009, 08:35 PM
I could have used this setup while waiting on grid for Group 7 to get towed in.

Well, I made a similar comment while sitting on grid and about 2 words from finishing it....I remembered I made the group after ours wait on Saturday morning and cut myself short....however, Group 7 WAS on track with us at that time so maybe THEY had something to do with it?! :wink:

08-03-2009, 08:40 PM
Well, to be correct and fair, group 4 had 2 tow ins.
I wish I knew the freq so I could monitor and stay under shade.

08-03-2009, 08:45 PM
Well, to be correct and fair, group 4 had 2 tow ins.
I wish I knew the freq so I could monitor and stay under shade.

Sucks to live in a glass house sometimes, doesn't it?

Rob Liebbe
08-03-2009, 08:54 PM
When my car came to a stop in Station 6, they asked me what was wrong. I asked them to look under the back of the car and the report was that the panhard bar mount was broken on the driver's side. They asked if I needed a tow in but I wasn't about to do a "Group 7 Delay" so I asked for a bunji cord and said that if it would start, I was driving it in. Luckily it started. I entered pit row about 30 seconds behind the last car.

You guys put on a good show in turn 6, especially David Love who 4 wheel drifted out of turn 6 all the way to the outside track edge, gassed it and turned toward turn 5 and was gone!!! Very cool David.

David Love AI27
08-03-2009, 09:18 PM
When my car came to a stop in Station 6, they asked me what was wrong. I asked them to look under the back of the car and the report was that the panhard bar mount was broken on the driver's side. They asked if I needed a tow in but I wasn't about to do a "Group 7 Delay" so I asked for a bunji cord and said that if it would start, I was driving it in. Luckily it started. I entered pit row about 30 seconds behind the last car.

You guys put on a good show in turn 6, especially David Love who 4 wheel drifted out of turn 6 all the way to the outside track edge, gassed it and turned toward turn 5 and was gone!!! Very cool David.

I was very proud of that move, it was planned and worked out great...

I did it just for your amusement, I'm not kidding.... I saw you under the canopy with camera in hand and thought.... uuuummmm poor Rob stuck out here in the "back 40" with nothin' to do...

to be totally honest my "drift" through T10 was for the photo op... I saw the photo cafe guy at the fence....

TWS is my bitch... I can pull off a lot of crap there...

David Love AI27
08-03-2009, 09:24 PM
I asked for a bunji cord and said that if it would start, I was driving it in. Luckily it started. I entered pit row about 30 seconds behind the last car.

Great job!!

Jeremy Gunter
08-03-2009, 10:02 PM
Just got home from work... What an awesome weekend!!!!! I'm kinda speechless. We had some great battles, some greasy tires, and some knock down, drag out, battles. I swear this is better than crack. Not that I have ever tried crack, but now I have no reason to :D

To the guys I almost demolished in Race 1, please know that I tried something I had seen fail by 2 seasoned veterans. And as a dumb rookie does, I tried to hero my way through. I will do my best to keep this from happening again! Birch, Glenn, Libee, Jeremiah, and whoever else dodged my rookie ass, Thank you! Michael, you are not included in that apology... you lucky SOB :P
Also, the contact I had this weekend was unnecessary, it's like my nuts were out growing their shells. I still have a lot to learn :oops:

AI CMC Texas is an entire group of stand up guys and Misty . I know you pride yourselves in performance, I hope you pride yourselves in the family you have created.

08-04-2009, 12:32 AM
What's up guys/gal!

Barn Burner was right; I think my "tires/brakes" fund just switched names to "cool suit" fund.

I want to thank everyone for the hospitality and advice on my first race weekend. Ya'll seem like a close knit group of friends/drivers and I hope to work my way into family as the seasons go by.

Nothing like a photo finish to start off my AI/CMC career; R3 AIX was called by less than 0.08 sec! I have some great video that should be up shortly.

Rookie move of the weekend --> 4in strip of tape to hold the front of my hood down. It worked great for the hood, but as a side effect it blocked enough air to hand me my first DNF. Water temp creeped over 240 and I called it a day.

See ya'll at ECR!

08-04-2009, 04:42 PM
Rookie move of the weekend --> 4in strip of tape to hold the front of my hood down. It worked great for the hood, but as a side effect it blocked enough air to hand me my first DNF. Water temp creeped over 240 and I called it a day.I dunno -- I kinda like the tape! :wink:

As for bailing early, I did that after I tried to out-brake you in T15 and got nothing. I REALLY want to look at your footage of that to see if the tires locked up of if I had pad fade. The pedal was nice and firm, but I wasn't slowing very quickly. Prudence dictated I bail and take NASCAR 4.

If you're going to bail early, make SURE you have at least 50% of the winner's total laps in before you bail, otherwise you get shafted, points-wise. I bailed with 6 laps in the books (out of 9.)

Now for everyone else, lemmie tell you about the first time I met Sam...

This was my second weekend of instructing and Misty comes to me and says she has a guy in Blue who has a handfull of weekends under his belt. I see this young guy with a bunch of friends and a really nice black '03 Cobra. I introduce myself, get strapped in, and we're off...

Sam take a pretty sedate warm-up lap and then on the front straight uncorks the car. He's FLYING into T1-2, balls-out all the way. It's like that for the next few corners and I'm shitting myself thinking "We're going to die! What have I gottem myself into?)

We hand't died by T8, so I start thinking, "This guy hasn't put a foot wrong yet. Let's enjoy the ride." And enjoy I did. :D

I got back in the paddock and Misty had a HUGE grin on her face. So did I.

See ya'll at ECR!Absolutely! And Amy (if she's up for it,) and I will show you and Darcy a damned good steakhouse in Decatur!

08-04-2009, 06:50 PM
Hehe! I do it all for your own good. :lol:

Is that the steak place we went to last year? If so, Yum! and can I go?

08-04-2009, 09:38 PM
Hehe! I do it all for your own good. :lol:

Is that the steak place we went to last year? If so, Yum! and can I go?Sure!

Todd Covini
08-06-2009, 09:19 PM
I met Sam & Darcy a few years back at a Cobra event. Jumped in Sam's '03 Cobra for an instructor ride and after the 1st lap decided to just shut up and let him drive.

I got out of the car and mentioned that he's got a natural ability and once he graduates TAMU he needs to go racing.

Sam will be a force in Texas AI/CMC's future....

-=- Todd

08-06-2009, 10:04 PM
Sam will be a force in Texas AI/CMC's future....

-=- ToddYep -- I worked my ass off keeping him behind me in R3. R4 I made a dumbassed move coming out of T10 and he got past me and took off...

08-07-2009, 11:17 AM
Anyone know when mylaps.com will be updated?

08-07-2009, 11:19 AM
Anyone know when mylaps.com will be updated?

usually takes a week or so. look for it next week. there will be a post here about it.

08-07-2009, 04:43 PM
mylaps is up!!

08-07-2009, 05:51 PM
mylaps is up!!

I thought that when I bought and registered a transponder then all of my laps would be available. I was in TTC and only the fastest lap of the session is shown.

Am I missing something?

08-07-2009, 06:08 PM
click on your name and it will take you toa page w/ all you lap times for the session.

08-07-2009, 07:06 PM
click on your name and it will take you toa page w/ all you lap times for the session.

Thanks, that's it. "Show lapchart" is where I was looking, that's for the race groups I assume.